This wire produced this cloudy substance where it had buildup forming.

This one did it without any noticeable buildup (more so when the ppm was higher already)

I may try it just for fun to see if it stays clear, but this stuff is working the way it shluld on the plant and the laser beam shows through it even when it's clear, so it is well made imo. There isn't even a general consensus out on the matter yet.
I'm still not entirely sold on drinking any of the stuff yellow or clear tbh because there are pages and pages about how our generators make mostly ionic silver with very little colloidal silver they sometimes say ionic silver is the clear stuff. And ionic silver is supposed to be what will bond with chloride ions in our bodies making it not bioavailable. They do mention that the low ppm's we make shouldn't be bad in low doses but that's all speculative.
Perhaps the ionic silver would sill be of use to plants. Not sure
NEimmaculates, do you have a laser pointer to test your solution with? For such a low voltage 60ppm without any clouding seems extremely high. Do you have a bubbler in there?
thats why you are supposed to swish it around in your mouth before swallowing or even spitting it out , the walls of the mouth and under the tongue are the best way to get it into your system , most and maybe even all of it becomes useless once it hits your gut
spraying in eyes is also an effective way of getting it in your system
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when i finished posting and was scrolling back up to get to and click new posts i noticed something in your pics up there , the wires shown bent and not in water , i see a yellow/gold colouring on them , thats something ive never seen on mine , wet or dry , clean or dirty
Yup that's why. It's very interesting! It took a bright led from my laser (the flashlight part) to light up those two cloudy areas for the picture tho. at a quick glance the wires just looked a bit discolored and one was dirty. Definitely not like the ones I've seen on youtube where a white cloud just pours off of the electrode and pools at the bottom) This stuff moved very slowly, and by the time it was reaching the bottom, the wires were getting wiped again.I'm pretty sure it's cuz one is positively charged and one is negatively charged. If I'm remembering correctly one gunks up and needs to be wiped and the other one erodes. But I've never visually seen anything like in your pics. It's like you can see the current. Lol
Yup tested with laser pointer. Started with 0ppm distilled water. Air pump with small diffuser ran in distilled water first to make sure it's clean. The pic of the cs has already been filtered through un-bleached coffee filter. Was 70 ppm before it was filtered. Keep in mind it was ran for 9 or 10 hours. Last batch I ran for about 7 or 8 hours and the finished product was 45 ppm and it worked wonderfully. I use less the a pint of water an my wire has like 5" of it submerged.
Yup that's why. It's very interesting! It took a bright led from my laser (the flashlight part) to light up those two cloudy areas for the picture tho. at a quick glance the wires just looked a bit discolored and one was dirty. Definitely not like the ones I've seen on youtube where a white cloud just pours off of the electrode and pools at the bottom) This stuff moved very slowly, and by the time it was reaching the bottom, the wires were getting wiped again.
Nice. I wonder how that looks (the laser beam). 70 ppm is still probably the highest I've heard of anyone making their own. Especially at such a low voltage. I think if voltage was really too high it should at least make a higher ppm solution as well, but the fact that it doesn't, combined with the fact that the wire spacing makes it take much longer to do the same work, seems like it is ok as long as you watch it closely and space the wires accordingly, as well as have enough surface area underwater to conduct the same amount of current.
That said, I've been considering hammering the electrodes flat so there is a lot of surface area on the underwater parts.
That, combined with an air pump/stone should should make for some nice cs lol. Perhaps in the future I might take apart my generator and just connect it to an adapter with a lower output depending on how much work that will be lol. It's convenient having it all set up as a little box with no tape, or clips, or ghetto-rigged contraptions lmao