Live Stoners eP's silly 420 Competition.....but good prizes !!!

Hope I didn't miss this, luckily enough I had just the right strain stashed so I popped one today. It's an old skool thai cross from calimari connection called fish stick. Legend has it Captain Birdseye brought the clone back from the antarctic where he stole it from a monk penguin colony sworn to protect the genetics. The penguin on guard duty that day was banished to England in disgrace. Sounds like pollocks to me.
Don't ask me where I got hold of this, all I'll say is that it involved a trip to Iceland.
So on with the grow. It's going to be outdoors cos this gear reeks bad when it matures. It gets it's name for a reason. A small pot with some basic soil is all this baby needs, no nutes, apparently they're full of em.
seed.JPG The seed looks suspiciously like fish food but I guess that figures.
potted up.JPG No prep, straight in the muck and outside
life.JPG I literally looked at the above shot on the camera and when I looked back things had changed. Life!
little.JPG Wow these things are quick. It's as though I can see it growing in front of me. Couldn't quite catch it on video though, shame that.That's germed, out of the soil and 1" tall in minutes. There's breeding potential here methinks.
big.JPG Ok this is ridiculous, this thing's got to be GMO, it's only a few hours old and already throwing trichs.
bigger.JPG In full stretch mode now and packing on the frost! Unbelievable, I need a brew and a pipe.
done.JPG Right, you can call me a liar if you like, but this thing's done. I daren't risk letting it go any longer for fear of fin rot. Chop time.
frosty.JPG She's had a cure for a few hours and is good to go. Check out the motherfreezin frost!!!!!!!!!!!!!
skin up.JPG doobie.JPG K homies, time to sample the goods, looks like we got the cod pheno. Smoke report to follow...

Looks: A beautiful golden surface covered in ice white frost, upon breaking up reveals a fluffy white interior.
Aroma: Fish. It's a fish finger whaddya expect fruit? Although there are back notes of butter and bread.
Taste: Don't go there, trust me.
Effect: Quite battered. A deep one this, catches the throat. Nice giggly buzz that turns to deep inner contemplation about how your life is going and how you spend your time. Heavy consumption will lead to a nice deep sleep which may be interrupted by violent vommiting and explosive diarrhoea as the salmonella profile works it's magic. Thanks to squid and everyone at calimari connection for hooking me up.
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My set up
Strain- nuclear waste
Soil- dirt and compost from Maine Yankee nuclear power plant

Nutes- it doesn't need many so Viagra and Maxwell house

Hour 1
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Now the fun begins. Planted in some nice soil from under the reactor in a 35gal pot.

Watered with 100ml Maxwell house dark roast coffee and 3 Viagra
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This stuff is fast... Wouldn't try it in Dwc or use more than 400w of light

Time for a feeding 12gal Maxwell house, gonna back off on the Viagra it's been more than 4hrs wouldn't want to take her to the ER

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OK no more feeding just some light foliar spray
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Just about ready for harvest. Nice trich coverage all cloudy

Just doing a little trimming for better light penetration

Time for the chop
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Chainsaw wouldn't touch it had to bust out the equipment
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After a 4hr dry and cure and a little time to process
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Got it all bagged up.

I have to say Nuclear waste is a hard strain to grow. Not for beginners.

Smoke report
This stuff will blow you away
One hit- immediately fried
Two hits- eyes bleed
Three hits- comatose with 4' erection lasting more than 4 hrs

Bag appeal- not the greatest as it's hard to see through green trash bags.

All photos stolen randomly from internet

eP I got something for ya, buddy ;)
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What you think?? Can we work something out??

way funny step, just can't top high radiation mutations for some genetic fun, but come on man, bribing the judge, I cry foul in protest
Did one in dirt, might as well do a Hydro.....

Strain: eP Slippery Special Self Feeding Auto Fem Seeds

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Seeds look like they are getting ready to pop

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A quick pic of my smaller Hydro set up for these quick grows

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Just starting to show some promise

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Since this patented eP strain produces their own nutes they are ultra fast grow with mucho stretch towards the light

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They are filling out nicely, now just have to wait for peak harvest time

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A close up shot of the heads with just the right amount of amber for my needs

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Cured fairly fast, time to Smoke !

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Smoke Report: I decided to use these for oil. Smooth and strong smoke at first, with just a hint of Hickory and a touch of oak as far as an aftertaste flavor.

Nice filling comfortable couch lock, Perfect compliment to a Dark German Lager, but man did I get the munchies.

This strain may really excel as edibles so I think I will eat some of the trim

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that's gonna be hard to top
You guys have not stepped up to the mark.......

You have jumped beyond all my expectations......I really have pissed my penguin pants......been in awe of the fertile minds you the bribes too, (you never know) but, I may ask a guest judge to settle the winner.

This is so funny, I am not closing it yet........would you ?........You guys ROCK....I am truly humbled......eP.
420 Competition is go..........

Ok here is what I am going to do

I am thinking a quick and dirty comp, like best or worst photoshopped cheat of an entry !

Lets go with.......24 hours to grow a New Imaginary AutoFlower plant. Any means of cheating allowed. I need a journal from start to finish (on one page) You don't need to be a photo shop wizzard, crude n dirty works for me. I also need a ridiculous smoke report for your imaginary new variety. Words can replace pictures if needs be. This so called new variety grows from start to finish in 24 hours.

Here is the place to post your entries------------------->

You can duplicate them here also.....

Mercifully, Aunty has put at my disposal some fantastic beans to offer as prize(s)......I kid you not. I may even enter myself !!!

Oi ! I heard that

The prize is well worth the entry......I promise......lets just say.....Sweet Seeds + Short Stuff......does that whet your appetite ?

Go for it my good chums.........let your imagination fly.........eP.

ps, entries close when I say so. This is not a democracy !

An entry yes does it fulfil all the requirement? Or do I need to add more?

Arty - all LS dudes......If you post in the entry is an entry. Period.......did you see me come all US when I said Period...haha.....we would never say that in the Black Country....unless you wanted to get your head kicked in !!!

Actually a single picture or sentence could win. Or a most detailed mock journal ! we will wait and see.......eP.

Crude, rude, diry, underhand , cheating , ridiculous, playing to the penguins dietry requirements, reminding him of that twenty quid you lent him last week (I'm hoping this works),crates of duty free, who knows which way the comp will go?
Who will win is anybodies guess, just put your idea in the thread and make us laugh.
It's not the winning but the taking part (
I'm hoping they'll fall for that line eP lol)) get em in while you can, nobody knows when the wiley old bird will call time on this comp.
Loving the entries so far, I'm in total agreement with eP, I couldn't have imagined such a great response.
You lot have made me laugh my socks of and as a result of that I got cold tootsies.:rofl:
Keep on keeping on, you beautiful people.
Hope I didn't miss this, luckily enough I had just the right strain stashed so I popped one today. It's an old skool thai cross from calamari connection called fish stick. Legend has it Captain Birdseye brought the clone back from the antarctic where he stole it from a monk penguin colony sworn to protect the genetics. The penguin on guard duty that day was banished to England in disgrace. Sounds like pollocks to me.
Don't ask me where I got hold of this, all I'll say is that it involved a trip to Iceland.
So on with the grow. It's going to be outdoors cos this gear reeks bad when it matures. It gets it's name for a reason. A small pot with some basic soil is all this baby needs, no nutes, apparently they're full of em.
View attachment 556599 The seed looks suspiciously like fish food but I guess that figures.
View attachment 556613 No prep, straight in the muck and outside
View attachment 556620 I literally looked at the above shot on the camera and when I looked back things had changed. Life!
View attachment 556624 Wow these things are quick. It's as though I can see it growing in front of me. Couldn't quite catch it on video though, shame that.That's germed, out of the soil and 1" tall in minutes. There's breeding potential here methinks.
View attachment 556631 Ok this is ridiculous, this thing's got to be GMO, it's only a few hours old and already throwing trichs.
View attachment 556633 In full stretch mode now and packing on the frost! Unbelievable, I need a brew and a pipe.
View attachment 556634 Right, you can call me a liar if you like, but this thing's done. I daren't risk letting it go any longer for fear of fin rot. Chop time.
View attachment 556640 She's had a cure for a few hours and is good to go. Check out the motherfreezin frost!!!!!!!!!!!!!
View attachment 556641 View attachment 556642 K homies, time to sample the goods, looks like we got the cod pheno. Smoke report to follow...

Looks: A beautiful golden surface covered in ice white frost, upon breaking up reveals a fluffy white interior.
Aroma: Fish. It's a fish finger whaddya expect fruit? Although there are back notes of butter and bread.
Taste: Don't go there, trust me.
Effect: Quite battered. A deep one this, catches the throat. Nice giggly buzz that turns to deep inner contemplation about how your life is going and how you spend your time. Heavy consumption will lead to a nice deep sleep which may be interrupted by violent vommiting and explosive diarrhoea as the salmonella profile works it's magic. Thanks to squid and everyone at calimari connection for hooking me up.


