Indoor EoF Does Organics

that's a shitload of azomite.:yoinks: one thing to add to your azo, is a tiny pinch of sea salt. it has over 100 trace elements. that the azo. don't have. very small dose 1/8 teaspoon or less.
rounds out the minerals.:2cents: even the azo. has sodium, but not the same kind.:bighug:
Hey ya @tobe planted two new pots had WAY better success. all three places have sprouts. get more pics in a week man,Thanks again. saw ya online n tried to catch ya and let ya know man. Be good :)

Bit of a mix here , Base is soil from the bottom of my worm farm , soil from the bottom of a Scrub Turkeys nest that is in the forest [ also full of worms ] a handful of soil from the bottom of s bamboo plant . Bat Guano , seaweed powder and insect frass . with molasses added . Bubbled for 24 hours . The soil I am growing in is working real great . Best one yet , between the soil and the teas I have only used bottle nutrients 2 times , which I don't think I needed to .
use . I am thinking a big player is the fish pond water as well that I use . I just have to manage the flowering stage now . But at this stage I don't see any issues so far .:thumbsup:
well the fish pond and the bamboo and forest life.those are the strongest IMO around mate. when you have both in high proportion to one another,it pops and life hold loads of nutrients ,sooooo.theres a four way street right thee you need to look at closer my good man.Bamboo,Forest,Fish stream/Pond,and worm dudes?! yeah buddy..
Bit of a mix here , Base is soil from the bottom of my worm farm , soil from the bottom of a Scrub Turkeys nest that is in the forest [ also full of worms ] a handful of soil from the bottom of s bamboo plant . Bat Guano , seaweed powder and insect frass . with molasses added . Bubbled for 24 hours . The soil I am growing in is working real great . Best one yet , between the soil and the teas I have only used bottle nutrients 2 times , which I don't think I needed to .
use . I am thinking a big player is the fish pond water as well that I use . I just have to manage the flowering stage now . But at this stage I don't see any issues so far .:thumbsup:
Great great stuff my friend on the tea an congratulations to almost no bottles most people honestly believe organics requires a bunch of packaged products an lots of moolah spent but nature provides !!I have made lots of time a tea out of the bamboo leaves an shoots an talk about taking the girls to church full leaves praying always seemed to love it I believe with plant matter the microbes can digest the nutrients an they become available these plant based teas also after watering bring earth worm to the surface in packs which is why I'm cutting larger then normal holes in the bottom to encourage the worms to come right in .Mossy has been making these teas as well an has gotten great results with the lavender teas an the flavor has been phenomenal.
Well there is a trade off really. I use 2 items in bottles(4 -6 if ya counts a couple granules and things)...But for one to get where I am, it takes years of growing and using the same stuffs(for the most part).
However the people today want to mimic people and think they are organic.NOPE! i reuse and do a few things I dont post here.and I know How to use the land Like Hecno does in his country. It is a perishable skill,but for someone who is broke like me,it takes a little while to get settled into a routine of using a formula that works almost as well and seamless.Since I cant go out and till and farm the land ,Im forced to buy from people who have alrwady done half the work for me by making and sourcing the items I like to use. But would love to be out there hacking up the ground and smelling them smells..But alas,no more.or very very little of that sort of stuff. LOL Thanks fellas.