Outdoor Enter the Dark Side

Ive noticed some plants are loved by insects a lot more than others. I keep insects under control with spray. I quit spraying the plants directly when flowering starts, but I still spray surrounding vegetation with a mixture of animal deterrent and a little insecticide mixed in. I only use sprays that are labeled for residential/garden use, so hopefully not too toxic and they have a good 4 weeks to wear off before harvest. Seems to work for me, typically I only visit plants once every 2 weeks or so, less is better to keep trails down. I had some issues this year with surrounding vegetation overgrowing my plants when they were small, next year Im going to spray 2 foot circles around the plants with roundup when they are planted, just to give them a headstart...
Yeah, Im not a fan of the big ag companies, but Im also not a fan of jails and if I can minimize going to spots, I try to. Established grasses just outgrow weed too much for the first few weeks and I cant go out every 2-3 days to cut shit back :(
Good point..although I find cutting back works ...but I'm mostly dealing with brush not grass.
Straight to the hardcore bondage ehh?

Lol ye man, I got some more for ya. This is from my MOB. I had a buddy help me stake over a month ago and he was a bit aggressive. She's all good now.


I'm in some pretty lush, diverse environment treeman. There are millions of bugs I'm not sure how much spraying surrounding area would help. I just take my chances, only bugs I had to kill were the slugs with bait. Grasshoppers are earing some leaves but the plants are very large I'm not to concerned.

The real problem with the mites is the dead foliage they create that could eventually rot and mold if not removed in time.
Cheers maffro and I appreciate the rep brotha.

Here's some pics from my LBH thread.


Green poison


Mob pics came out pretty blurry, I'll try to get some of her and the cream 47.

Going to try topdressing with some ash from a buds fire pit. Heard that helps in bloom.
Hey Darth, I was just curious are those autos ( not sure if you already said )? Also what does MOB stand for?
Looking great as always Darth!! James MOB stands for Maines own Blueberry