Outdoor Enter the Dark Side

Here's some other girls from the same plot. First few are a cream 47 budding out followed by another cream 47 and a MOB.


Also, here's the stuff I've been using as a mold preventative.

Also found another plot for 5 plants next year. It's pretty mint, south facing slope with bush on 3 sides and fairly moist earth. Not quite as swampy as I like but should be able to water weekly if need arises.

Thanks for stopping by guerrilla and Columbus. Still pretty dry out west guerrilla? We've had 2 + weeks of hot humid weather. Hopefully get some rain this weekend.
Nicely coming along

This will be home to everything outdoor I'm growing this year amongst other random stuff. I kicked Hitler's ass in the rap battle tho eh?!

Green Poison Guerrilla Grow (photoperiod)
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Jack 47, 2 x MOB and Bubba Kush (all photoperiod) View attachment 451691

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The training method on the veggies will be done to the guerrilla girls in the bush. More to come!

Darth wins every time! Haha nice plants man will check this all out!