Outdoor Enter the Dark Side

Cheers J, I'll try and find some pics of Mob I did last year. Should have an update on the other one tonight along with the other chicks. It hasn't rained for almost 2 weeks so I'm hoping the swamp has been swampy. Been crazy hot n humid.

Quick pic of an LBH tester.


That slug bait is awesome, wish I used it a looooong time ago. Plants going beast mode in the swamp. They aren't flowering as much as the other location but from here on out its bloom top dressing with botanicare and natria spray for mold prevention. Staked them all up.

Pissed that the biggest one is blurry pics but the other 4 are pumping. In order top to bottom are jack 47 FV, emdog, and 2 MOB.

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Probably won't be back in this location for another 2 - 3 weeks. This soil mix with the coco is rockin it.

You gotta love the MOB. Even the lowers get huge. Yours are looking good man. I just found this thread got some catching up to do
Those big indica leaves that is so blueberry the color the pheno I see alot of things in familiar so many things I see that remind me of one of the pacific Northwest's best DJ short is such a legend .

This will be home to everything outdoor I'm growing this year amongst other random stuff. I kicked Hitler's ass in the rap battle tho eh?!

Green Poison Guerrilla Grow (photoperiod)
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Jack 47, 2 x MOB and Bubba Kush (all photoperiod) View attachment 451691

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The training method on the veggies will be done to the guerrilla girls in the bush. More to come!

Man. the green poison is looking Radiant
Cheers guys, found a pic from last year... harvested sep 26, 2014.


You gotta love the MOB. Even the lowers get huge. Yours are looking good man. I just found this thread got some catching up to do

Thanks for stopping by stepside. It's just starting to get interesting, been a long ride so far.

Those big indica leaves that is so blueberry the color the pheno I see alot of things in familiar so many things I see that remind me of one of the pacific Northwest's best DJ short is such a legend .

Hey dank, ye these beans from highrise have been pretty consistent. The 3 this year I have going are much bigger and healthier than the 2 I had last year.

Man. the green poison is looking Radiant

Hey trailanimal, yup she's by far the largest plant this year. Lost 3 huge branches due to slugs and being unsupported, haven't got any pics of her recently (blurry) but she is something special. Depending how she finishes and resists mold, I'm leaning on growing it out again next year from what I've seen so far.
Cheers guys, found a pic from last year... harvested sep 26, 2014.

Wow, pot of gold at the end of this rainbow

Thanks for stopping by stepside. It's just starting to get interesting, been a long ride so far.

Hey dank, ye these beans from highrise have been pretty consistent. The 3 this year I have going are much bigger and healthier than the 2 I had last year.

Hey trailanimal, yup she's by far the largest plant this year. Lost 3 huge branches due to slugs and being unsupported, haven't got any pics of her recently (blurry) but she is something special. Depending how she finishes and resists mold, I'm leaning on growing it out again next year from what I've seen so far.
Cheers guys, found a pic from last year... harvested sep 26, 2014.


Thanks for stopping by stepside. It's just starting to get interesting, been a long ride so far.

Hey dank, ye these beans from highrise have been pretty consistent. The 3 this year I have going are much bigger and healthier than the 2 I had last year.

Hey trailanimal, yup she's by far the largest plant this year. Lost 3 huge branches due to slugs and being unsupported, haven't got any pics of her recently (blurry) but she is something special. Depending how she finishes and resists mold, I'm leaning on growing it out again next year from what I've seen so far.

One of the great things about photos, got time to recover from "shit happens"
Dont you have something against slugs? These little bastards can kill a lot of branches in a short period. I prevent this by throwing out some bait that smells like food for them. After they eat it, they are going to die. My plants are untouched except for some insect attacks.
Dont you have something against slugs? These little bastards can kill a lot of branches in a short period. I prevent this by throwing out some bait that smells like food for them. After they eat it, they are going to die. My plants are untouched except for some insect attacks.

Yup I used it, works great. Wish I used it earlier. I tried diatomicious earth and copper but it's slug/snail mecca in my one swamp so I had to resort to the bait. It's safe for plants and animals, not the severely toxic shit that kills animals.

The coco wicks up the moisture so well that the de got wet and they just crawled right over it.
Here's the other LBH testers. The three in one pot are going hard.


And here's 2 more LBH ladies. Tropical towers.

Top dressed with bloom food and prevention sprayed for mold. Sorry pics are a bit blurry but the bugs were hittin hard.