Outdoor Enter the Dark Side

Haven't been back to check how the bait has been working. Seems the slug damage has weakened the stems and had one plant split in half last time out. Tied her back together, not sure if it'll work out. I should have had support stakes ready, lesson learned for next year.

Here's a couple shots of a MOB and some LBH testers I have goin on.

LBH tester #5

MOB, my favourite strain to grow and smoke. Super hardy, least amount of insect damage and decent stem size considering she gets the least amount of sunlight.



That slug bait is awesome, wish I used it a looooong time ago. Plants going beast mode in the swamp. They aren't flowering as much as the other location but from here on out its bloom top dressing with botanicare and natria spray for mold prevention. Staked them all up.

Pissed that the biggest one is blurry pics but the other 4 are pumping. In order top to bottom are jack 47 FV, emdog, and 2 MOB.





Probably won't be back in this location for another 2 - 3 weeks. This soil mix with the coco is rockin it.
Real busy at work am home pump on back burner till Thurs Fri.
Fires are not in my area but so Fucking dry in a place that shouldn't be .....the friction from a fart could set it off.

Lay off the beans n burritos bro, hopefully you get some rain soon

damn those are huge stalks! nice!:pass:

Thanks for dropping by Elvis, they seem happy so far. Hopefully they stay healthy during the last couple months and they survive the hail and thunderstorms.

I gotta drop by your threads for a jam!