Indoor El Cheapo Grow

I still have a few grows in another room using my normal stuff, so I'll keep using whats been working the best. This was just a spur of the moment, "I wonder what would happen if" kinda thing. I'm glad that I did it though. I did notice that the dollar store dirt is far to compact even with a ton of perlite added. The lower half of the pot had super weak roots compared to the normal mix I use. I might use some in the upper part of a pot in a pinch. As for the nutes, I think I'll leave those to my lady and her veggies she grows. MG nutes start to burn MJ far too easily. I have a sour alien liver and sour orange live around 10 days now in Nature's Care potting mix now. I'm going to start those on the Nectar for the Gods line probably next week. I just received their full line sample case a couple days ago.
A very inspiring post! I'm starting a budget grow of my own. Most of them resemble the grow in this thread quite closely ( atleast the budget). Thanks for taking the time to document this grow!

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A cpl quick pics before work since the last ones turned out so weird. Skywalker left and Mbap 3 right.



Quick update folks. Skywalker showed some amber so I'm taking her down this morn. I don't really like the buzz from bud I've harvested when too much amber shows. It's fine at night when I'm in chill mode, but during the day it makes me drag too much. Anyway, this is the 3rd skywalker I've grown, and the 1st that's impressed me. The others were kinda wimpy, but this one is on the bigger side of medium and full of sticky, sweet, dense ass buds. It's been a beautiful flower to grow. She was pretty thin at first so I thought it was more of my same skywalker luck, but she kicked into overgear the last 2 weeks. A really impressive finish considering the rough tools I worked with. Here's a few pics of her prechop and post trim. The other girl is Mbap 3 enjoying the tent and lights to herself. 1 more to go peeps!






MBAP 3. She's spreading out and enjoying both mars. Looking like she may be the best of the bunch numbers wise.