EC understanding please.

Mar 1, 2020
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ok hi guys. have about 10 grows behind me some good some not so. i have always growed in soil untill the current grow that is in coco but had problems the whole grow. i have a new grow on now and want to check EC more this time.
My question is how do you get the EC of you solution down before feeding the girls. My seedlings are 4 days old yesterday and i wanted to give them a bit of feed. I mixed up 1 litre of tap water (left out for 24 hours to bubble) and put in 1 ml canna A, 1ml canna B and 1 ml calmag but the EC was reading 1.4 which what ive read is a tad high for seeds. I only gave them about 200ml of the feed each and obviously with no runoff. So how do i get the EC of the solution down. ive read to get more runoff to lower EC but even with the girls i have on the go already even getting 1/4 runoff wernt lowering ec either.
i hope ive explained this right thanks for any help. my tap water EC before nutes is just under .4
ok UPDATE!!! been searching for days but just found this statement
"If you want to increase the EC value of your water, simply add more nutrients. And if you want to lower the EC value, just add some more tap water to your nutrient solution. However, make sure that you always arrange the EC value first and lower the acidity of the water second. This is because adding water or nutrients affects the pH value. "

So i understand that but if you want to give them for example what i wanted to give them (1 ml canna A 1 ml canna B and 1 calmag per litre the surely by adding water to lower the EC is watering down the nute solution is it not ??? confused.
just water it down till you get your amount say to a 0.6 for your age seedlings
ok hi guys. have about 10 grows behind me some good some not so. i have always growed in soil untill the current grow that is in coco but had problems the whole grow. i have a new grow on now and want to check EC more this time.
My question is how do you get the EC of you solution down before feeding the girls. My seedlings are 4 days old yesterday and i wanted to give them a bit of feed. I mixed up 1 litre of tap water (left out for 24 hours to bubble) and put in 1 ml canna A, 1ml canna B and 1 ml calmag but the EC was reading 1.4 which what ive read is a tad high for seeds. I only gave them about 200ml of the feed each and obviously with no runoff. So how do i get the EC of the solution down. ive read to get more runoff to lower EC but even with the girls i have on the go already even getting 1/4 runoff wernt lowering ec either.
i hope ive explained this right thanks for any help. my tap water EC before nutes is just under .4
il try to explain it as simple as i can your water will start with a e.c of 0.2-0.3-0.5 somewhere in there so lets say canna says 1ml of a+b will be a e.c of 1.0 you need to add the base e.c to that so now that thats explained a feed chart is only a guide to go by everyone will be different so id say when you have your liter mixed up with a 1.4 e.c add 250ml of tap water then check your e.c until you get where you want to be yes its diluting the solution but thats what you want the bit where you say ive read to get more runoff to lower EC this is only for when you have a nute build up in your pots from over feeding or salt build up i hope this helps
just water it down till you get your amount say to a 0.6 for your age seedlings
you ever go higher on the autos tom i usually hit them anywhere from 0.5 -0.8
il try to explain it as simple as i can your water will start with a e.c of 0.2-0.3-0.5 somewhere in there so lets say canna says 1ml of a+b will be a e.c of 1.0 you need to add the base e.c to that so now that thats explained a feed chart is only a guide to go by everyone will be different so id say when you have your liter mixed up with a 1.4 e.c add 250ml of tap water then check your e.c until you get where you want to be yes its diluting the solution but thats what you want the bit where you say ive read to get more runoff to lower EC this is only for when you have a nute build up in your pots from over feeding or salt build up i hope this helps
so diluting it dont matter then yes thanks so much ive just made another solution up and even with the same mix but in watered down to 2 litres is 1.2 .so i guess i just keeep watering down.
Is there a chart anywhere that tells me what EC at what stage of the plants life is meant to be please?
so diluting it dont matter then yes thanks so much ive just made another solution up and even with the same mix but in watered down to 2 litres is 1.2 .so i guess i just keeep watering down.
Is there a chart anywhere that tells me what EC at what stage of the plants life is meant to be please?
yes so just keep adding water to your desired ec then check your ph also canna do a feed guide
il try to explain it as simple as i can your water will start with a e.c of 0.2-0.3-0.5 somewhere in there so lets say canna says 1ml of a+b will be a e.c of 1.0 you need to add the base e.c to that so now that thats explained a feed chart is only a guide to go by everyone will be different so id say when you have your liter mixed up with a 1.4 e.c add 250ml of tap water then check your e.c until you get where you want to be yes its diluting the solution but thats what you want the bit where you say ive read to get more runoff to lower EC this is only for when you have a nute build up in your pots from over feeding or salt build up i hope this helps
ok so diluted it to 4 litres of water and was still 1.4 ..forgot to say that was 1 ml rhizotonic aswell. so i poured it down drain and started over to experiment heres what i got .
Starting EC of water was .4 so i added 0.2 A, 0.2 B and EC was .5 (happy days) but then added 1ml calmag and BOOM EC was 1.4..... so do i need calmag yet as ive read mixed reviews or do i just lower the calmag to 0.2ml per litre aswell . bottle suggests 1ml per litre?

have a look here but a rough guide is to start low after i get to 1.0 or 1.2 i increase by 0.1 a week unless the plants tell they want more or less i usually get to 1.6 before i see tip burn then back off this is all for photo periods if your growing autos they might want lower feeds
yes so just keep adding water to your desired ec then check your ph also canna do a feed guide
ive got that guide and i change tank size to 3 litres and i use 15 litre pots and usually mix 3litres at a time and use till run off and it says with my starting EC of .4 i need 5.7 A and B and 12 ml rhizotonic per 3 litres with a EC of .8? sooo confused