Seems to be slow on overall growth and small on new growth again so I gave her a top dressing and top watering and defoliated fans and lowers
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The roots are amazing under that plastic mulch cover
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I mixed a few handfuls of miracle gro organics soil with Roots Organics Terp Tea Bloom, Terp Tea Bloom Booster, essential earth, and elemental. I put this heavily amended soil mounding on top of these roots, watered it in and replaced the cover.
Back in tent
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You can definitely tell she needed a top dressing by the root intrusion. Pics don't tell the story as well as being there, but there was/is something with the new growth and this could easily be what she wanted with her size and amount of growth.
This is why I build a pretty damn
large nute mount at the time of set up. I haven't seen anyone do this before I started doing it. Jeremy of BAS doesn't do it with Earthboxes.
It is a lot. It probably would be way too much in just a plain pot. But we're not in regular pots. We have Earthboxes with that fabulous two root systems. I believe she gets to pick and choose what
she needs at that particular time. I TRY to only do two large top dressings, one at set up and one about two weeks or so into flower. The first is mainly for vegetative growth, but also nutes for flower. This gives plenty of time for those flower nutes to be made available and ready for uptake when needed. Those flower nutes let you wait that time after flowering begins, before the second top dressing is added. EWC is always the first I put down, initially and on subsequent dressings. With most everything in EWC being fully available, I think of it as sorta an attractant for the roots to move into. With all the life in good quality EWC, they are there to start making the added top dressings available.
I'm not saying what I'm doing is any better. Your girl says you're doing very well. It does allow me not to worry top dressing for quite a while and only have to get the timing sorta right on the second dressing....I say sorta because this is organics, Exactness is not generally required for most things.
You ARE gonna have your hands full keeping that one fed during flower that she's fast approaching. If that root intrusion was on my current Root Beer Float, she would get my second dressing. I was goin to check unda da skirt of her yesterday, but I forgot and watered her first. I'll pull her out and check today and do some adjustments.
You're doing fantastic, but that girl is gonna be really hungry VERY soon and you better be ready for her!
One observation for you to look at. She might could use a little dose of mycos with whatever ya have. I like to see really 'fuzzy' roots in the intrusion. I think the Roots Organics you added has some, but if you have any laying around, it could enhance the development better.
Keep up the outstanding work!!!!