Indoor E.T. and Cheesus - Growing some Next Gen cDragons!

Hey Pop! Looks like your making great progress on these ladies. I had to pull a cheesus a couple days ago that turned male as well. Hopefully the last 2 that have not sexed will be female. Glad to see you have a couple girls in the green house.

Karma to your unsexed plants to be female. =) :karmacloud:

The ladies are all doing well, a little dose of blood meal gave them the boost they needed! And the Cheesus dragon is looking absolutely killer! about 38" tall, ( in a 2 gallon pot!! ) very nice bud on her too! Neither plant is going to have a big harvest but not bad and the Cheesus will have the best weight from her looks. Getting itchy to vape some!..............

ET 1


ET 2

ET plant 2 -8-2-2015.jpg


Cheesus -8-2-2015.jpg
Greenhouse B2.jpg
View attachment 474918 Update:

I had to chop the ET's and one Cheesus because of bud rot. I lost half of the bigger ET and one bud on the big Cheesus. Had to save what I could before it got worse, as we are suppose to get a lot of rain the next few days.Sorry, I didn't get pics, I had to chop 7 plants and process them, I had no time for pics. I will get bud shots. The Cheesus gave up a good harvest though. Can't wait to sample some!
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More rot?? That's not good. How much bud do you think is lost annually to bud rot?? I bet it's a staggering number. I know I've already lost one plant. I managed to save 3 oz's but probly chucked 1lb.
First Time I've had this problem. Going to et another fan to draw air out with. I had an old, oscillating fan in there. The base finally broke off so I zip tied it to the overhead support! Actually getting better air movement now.

I lost maybe an ounce of bud so not too bad. but OI wasn't going to wait for it to get worse so I chopped the 7 plants that were closest to ripe. Hoping the last crop out there does better. I expect with the other plants gone, airflow has improved.

And you can cook bud with mold, just can't smoke or vape it. The buds I found with a few spots will get cooked. I did chuck the worst ones though .

More rot?? That's not good. How much bud do you think is lost annually to bud rot?? I bet it's a staggering number. I know I've already lost one plant. I managed to save 3 oz's but probly chucked 1lb.
First Time I've had this problem. Going to et another fan to draw air out with. I had an old, oscillating fan in there. The base finally broke off so I zip tied it to the overhead support! Actually getting better air movement now.

I lost maybe an ounce of bud so not too bad. but OI wasn't going to wait for it to get worse so I chopped the 7 plants that were closest to ripe. Hoping the last crop out there does better. I expect with the other plants gone, airflow has improved.

And you can cook bud with mold, just can't smoke or vape it. The buds I found with a few spots will get cooked. I did chuck the worst ones though .
Two days after I threw the plant in the woods I kicked myself in the ass. I never even gave oil a thought. I was just completely disgusted with it. Live and learn I guess.
HA!Bet you thought this thread was done! Well, I have another Cheesus that's been quietly getting nicer and nicer! Turning out much better than the early one! She's at day 66 and look at those buds! Very nice purple coloring! I'm giving her a week then I'll look at the trichs and see if its chop time!

Cheesuspic1 -8-21-2015.jpg
cheesus bud-pic1 -8-21-2015.jpg