Indoor E.T. and Cheesus - Growing some Next Gen cDragons!

Ahh, ok. I was thinking if it was sown directly Maybe its just taking its time.
Hopefully they will surprise you =)
no sprouts this morning, going to soak a couple more. dunno what I did but I'm positive it was not the seeds, three of them had a tiny tap root emerging. I'm going to go back to planting after the tap root is at least 1/2" long. I plant them with the head level with the soil, just barely visible. they sprout every time. 100% success with over 60 seeds that way. Guess to proves my saying: " If it aint broke, don't fix it"...............
Damn I hate that I usually get impatient and if I don't see a sprout in a day or to start lightly moving dirt around at least on 4 occasions I caught them growing into the dirt like an ingrown hair
Im glad you said that pop about waiting for a longer tap root. Though, Ive never tried having the head at dirt level. Im going to have to try that one. Ive had great success wait for a good taproot to pop, but I switched to planting them after the tap barely peek-a-boo's through. Ive had good success this way, but not as good as the longer tap root.

Thanks for the tip pop. =):pass:

@autox42 LOL, dude! I know what you mean.:crying: Its always an anxious time for me during that stage. :peek:
Yes, I've been planting as soon as I see the tap root pop out and usually works well, but sure didn't this time. I really have no idea why, 4 seeds shouldn't have failed. I finally gave up. I planted 4 new seeds this morning. trying direct to soil this time

I'll get pics of the ETs up later

Im glad you said that pop about waiting for a longer tap root. Though, Ive never tried having the head at dirt level. Im going to have to try that one. Ive had great success wait for a good taproot to pop, but I switched to planting them after the tap barely peek-a-boo's through. Ive had good success this way, but not as good as the longer tap root.

Thanks for the tip pop. =):pass:

@autox42 LOL, dude! I know what you mean.:crying: Its always an anxious time for me during that stage. :peek:
Yea, plnting them right when I see a tap root works pretty well for me too.
I guess it was just one of those random occurences we will never know the true reason.
At least you have more beans to germ in place of them =) Cheers my brother, and here is some karma for your restart on the cheesus. :karmacloud::pass::toke:
I moved the E.T.'s into the tent with the Dragon's Blood for now. Will send them to the greenhouse when there is room, about a month I figure.
Planted 3 new Cheesus Dragons, direct to soil, lets see how these do!