New Grower DWC, Led, First time grow (3x Think Different)

What would that mean for my grow? If its fungie, is this a death sentence?

Probably not. There is lots of advice out there to deal with this, and different approaches, I will not say one is wrong or right or any better than the other. Instead I will speak only from my own experience...

I highly recommend a product you can get easily online or in many hydro or gardening stores called SM-90. I was using H2O2 before, it worked but I didn't like that it was basically creating a sterile root zone. I like to keep the root zone party alive...

A little history...

SM-90 was designed in the 1990s to kill spider mites on commercial roses as a safe alternative to chemical pesticides. We MJ growers have found that is only the beginning of its usefulness... it can be used as a topical spray, but also works in soil/hydro and there is evidence that when used this way it works systemically against insects without being unsafe in any way. One of the ingredients is 1% coriander oil, which I believe is the main insect-fighting ingredient* which also gives the solution a sweet and spicy fragrance.


SM-90 lets good bacteria and mycorrhizal fungus live; it kills anaerobic bad bacteria and mold and mildew; it lowers the surface tension of water; it kills and deters MANY types of insect pest.

That's hearsay but I've read numerous posts with identical feedback from the company. So you can try and call them yourselves if you don't believe me and the internet ;)

Incidentally, it makes your solution smell very nice. I'm addicted to the smell now.
*huffs some SM-90*

I swear I don't work for them ;)

Im not using anything against bacteria at the moment, in the future i want to introduce some beneficial microorganisms in my system. Thanks for the compliment, i appreciate it!

That's perfect that you said that right as I was posting to recommend this product, it's one of the few choices you can run alongside beneficials. Instead of the beneficials fighting the bad stuff though, the SM-90 kills all the bad stuff and the beneficials can 100% focus on breaking down nutes to support the mycorrhizae which in turn supports the roots for one hella-happy ecosystem.

Of course if you are running 100% chemical nutes there is no real reason to have beneficial bacteria... I use Big Bloom alongside the FF chemical ones (I know they're a rip off, I know...) and the BB requires some assistance from bacteria and fungus for the plant to really make use of the bat guano and other organic components.

I should mention finally SM-90 keeps your stuff CLEAN! SO CLEAN! Minimizes or eliminates white slime, NO foaming, NO crusting, hell I can rinse 2-week-old buckets clean with the showerhead.
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Haha i will keep that in mind and use it if it gets worse!
I want to wait another day because it doesn't grow or gets more and it doesn't smell or feels slimey or spongy.
People here who have a lot more experience than i have think it could be some kind of root outgrowth.

After reading this sticky it sounds like SM-90 alone is not enough to kill brown root slime (but should work for just about everything else). If you're not getting slime, brown, or bad smell, it's probably NOT that. Still, if it turns out to be, you may need to make some tea :D

Your roots look bright white and healthy in the pics so it's really hard to tell.

edit: dude, ok I was looking at the wrong pic, I know people said that's not roots... but considering

1) those are on the main taproots only and not the feeders
2) those roots have been hanging in open air above the water
3) your plants are completely healthy

Probably root buds! You know how you see little white dots all around the base of the stalk above ground, which are little root buds just waiting for a substrate to crawl into (but air pruning themselves because there isn't one)? I think that you're looking at the underground version of that.
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I also aero clone and I sometimes see similar structures (even more extreme, that look like little cauliflower tumours that can get quite big) they bump out and take over the stem from time to time, I forget the name for them but they are definitely a plant growth and eventually roots DO grow out of them.

You've just been thinking about all the negative things that could be so I'm trying to give you some positive ideas :)
whatever it is it doesn't seem to bother your plant's
Hey, I was just wondering if you doing ok with your questions on the roots.
It looks like your stress level is down! :)
I have seen luscious roots on crappy little plants, wimpyazzed roots on killer plants, bizarre corking roots and lots of things that I am fairly sure were just "roots gone wild".
I really don't worry much about the roots if the plant looks good, unless I smell something "off" in the rez.
In that case, I always change the rez AND rinse the roots.
But bear in mind, I also use continuous monitors for temp ph and EC, so chances are I am already suspicious by the time I smell something.
Your plant looks good!
First grow huh, why do we all choose think different on our first grow?? ?? Lol looking great
Think different was my first, 11.5 oz 3 plants and I didn't know anything about testing pH so luckily I used compost from my veggie garden