I'm using the dm .27 additive and started using it when I first started on the bloom nutes...The guy at the hydro store says that the DM additive is like a combination of all the advance nutes additives in one. Told me that the A+B+additive is equal to the whole line of advance start up kit. Don't know if that's true as this is my very 1st grow ever lol. When i look at the ingrediants in all the bottles, they all have some of the same kinds of things...and i haven't really gotten the concept of what chemical does what to the plant, at certain growth cycles. I imagine with experience, i should get better. I'm obsessed i tell you, and i love it.
My next grow ill try and have 2 of the same strain so that i can do the zone hygrozyme comparison.
Tell me, since we use the same nutes, when do you start feeding your autos? and do you give them veg and bloom nutes or just straight to bloom since they go into flower so soon? I read somewhere that if you use choose to use veg nutes, and you run them for too long, buds will turn out airy. Any experience with this?