God damn snow drifts... This is one of those years I thank God I fled southern Ontario
-33 C today here bud, I'm moving to BC, shoot me a pm of your real estate agent opi
Hey Darth, I have heard this copper tape works well for slugs too. You can make a collar out of it and put it around the base of your plants on the ground too. This is my first season up where I live, i used to live down south where it's too cold, yes I will be trying a greenhouse grow over winter.
Hey Vas, yup I'll use copper, just not that tape, I can get spare wire for free from a buddy, should work just the same I'm hoping
For any folks living in the UK wanting copper tape , head to the poundshop . They do some other stuff that comes in handy for GG . Good luck with your adventure DV , I love me a bit of GG so will be back to see how you get on :smoke:
Cheers Africa, I'll try n keep her interesting, running a wide variety of strains so it'll be a challenge but I'm down for it lol
A really effective choice in the slug battle ( and in the rain forest of bc we got titans) i recommend going to the grocery store and getting copper pot scrubbies. Un roll them an ya got a couple feet of copper netting tube. Cut to4 inch sections and use those as collars for seedlings. I like to cut a 2 l bottle to make a cloche type thing an put the copper sleeve over it. Like antislug chainmail.
As for watering depnds on climate. .i rarly have to water but i still recommend taking care. Foliar feeding is good but ya gotsta feed da soil!
I here ya guerrilla, I'm counting on the wicking action from the swamp and we get rain steady but I'll water as need be, pretty sure there's a water source not far away tucked deep in the bush
To combat the slugs on my guerrilla grow last year, I put down a circle of overlapping pennies about 4'' from the stems. It worked a charm (no loss to slugs) - and literally cost me 50 cents to do my garden.
I soaked them in a salt solution for a few days first, to dull them down - as anything shiny in my neck of the woods (like copper tape) is taken away by the Ravens pretty damn quick!
I was wondering what I'd do with that jar of pennies now that they've been discontinued - now they have a mission!
Cheers misty guerrilla, I dropped my whole lot of pennies in the coin counter at the bank, shoulda saved em! Doesn't get cheaper than that
Mr.ganjamoto. good evening.
Alisia is so pretty, look at her eyes!
Maybe i would have a chance if you put in a good word for me. :KISS:
Salutations growbeast, when referring to the KING in the wrong thread, that makes Darth Vapour very unhappy and causes him to write in third person
Just playin, I gotta go check out this Alisia chick
Thanks for all the slug tips guys, really appreciate the input. How do you guys combat mould? This year I want to try as many preventative measures as possible. Main thing is to keep the plants as healthy as possible from what I hear. I'll also keep a closer eye and remove any and all dead foliage or shit that gets blown onto the buds from wind. Like I think I mentioned earlier, I lost almost 80% of my auto buds to mold but the photos did decent. I think it had more to do with the nutrients and general health of my autos.