Outdoor DV's Guerrilla Prep 2015

For the organic, you could use Grow More Organic Soil builder. Its all organic and come in a 4 pound box. I've probably treat close to 100 gallons of soil with it, great stuff!

Cheers pops, I tried to find a supplier in Canada as that product looks great but couldn't find one. Sprinkler supply doesn't ship here.

I bought some Botanicare/Organicare Pure Grow and Bloom organic granulated fertilizer with added cal. Looks like a good product.

Hauled out 50lbs worth of coco bricks in the snow, nice workout to say the least. It's snowing again now so my trail is gone! Found a (potential) water source about 400 ft away which is sweet. I'll have to check once the snow and ice melts but Google maps shows a small pond.

I've been watching YouTube videos and reading all day about TLO and beneficial microbes, my heads hurting lol. I have a pack of ZHO from last year but I wonder if it's any good now. It sat in my humid car for weeks.

I plan on foliar feeding as often as I can, I'll start researching and post some links and vids here. Since I'm expecting my medium to be saturated the majority of the time, I want to be able to organically feed through the leafs to aid plant growth as well as keep insects at bay.

Just a heads up for any Canadian guerrilla growers wanting to try coco, just picked up 5 kg bricks for $4 at Home Hardware. It's called Natura Beyond Peat. 100% coco coir and states it's pH neutral.

Can't wait for winter to f**k off, been - 30 C lately and my green thumb is itching hard.


-30 deg and your tramping supplies out to your site !! Man, thats dedication, hat off Darth ! I shall never complain again while prepping in winter...My winter days average about 22 deg maximums.
-30 deg and your tramping supplies out to your site !! Man, thats dedication, hat off Darth ! I shall never complain again while prepping in winter...My winter days average about 22 deg maximums.

That's tank top n flip flop weather here Vas. I get geared up well, only skin exposed is around my eyes basically lol. The snow helps dragging in the goods. Packed a large super heavy duty garbage bag with all my gear and it slides across the snow real nice. Except when you hit a 4' snow drift :no:
Best of luck, Darth Vapour! I admire anyone with the balls and skills to guerrilla grow. Can't do it myself; far too concerned with being caught, and too close to a major city to believe I could find a reliably secluded, unobserved locale.
Oh yeah, I didn't think of that, having never touched snow before, I guess that would help. Um... whats a snow drift ? lol yeah winter here is pretty much summer wear during most days between 9am-3pm, does get cold in dark hours but noting like -30. we complain if it gets into single figures.
Best of luck, Darth Vapour! I admire anyone with the balls and skills to guerrilla grow. Can't do it myself; far too concerned with being caught, and too close to a major city to believe I could find a reliably secluded, unobserved locale.

Hey time traveler, sometimes the best spots are close to the city. Less chance of hunters spotting your crop at the end of season and fewer animals. It's getting in and out without being spotted... that's the tricky part. I've become a "bird" watcher since I started guerrilla growing lol actually I really enjoy snapping pics of birds and local wildlife in the bush, ganja growing has many great side effects

Oh yeah, I didn't think of that, having never touched snow before, I guess that would help. Um... whats a snow drift ? lol yeah winter here is pretty much summer wear during most days between 9am-3pm, does get cold in dark hours but noting like -30. we complain if it gets into single figures.

Hey Vas, have you tried greenhouse grows in the winter? You could get some great colours with temps dropping like that. Snow drifts are just a large accumulation of snow due to changes in elevation or shrubs and small trees interrupting the wind.
Cheers Duggy

Hey lonewolf, I heard it deters slugs and I've got lots of wire available from a friend. Apparently its a deterrent but who knows. Steel wool might work at the base. Slugs hit a few branches on me pretty hard last year so I'll try as many defenses against them as possible

Have you tried copper tape against slugs, know a couple of guys who says it mostly works in their garden and around pots. Just ordered a couple of rolls of the serrated type, and plan to stick it around some cut off pot tops that will shield the stems of the Frisian Ducks and some other non-weedy prized plants this season. Hard hit by slugs and snail here last year, little morons munch on freakin almost everything you prize until it is stripped to the stems and leave all unkruid (Dutch for weeds you don't want) alone, dammit!


Copper Slug and Snail Tape 5m

Shiiiit thought i posted on this thread when u started it DV but its not there now !!!
Ahhh well prepping is nearly done this end too just the soil to go but non of the local garden centres are stocking it yet so im just waiting on that. Dont fancy going farther afield for soil, my little shitbox car will crumble !!
Im running autos in April and June and photos in May, i have some super auto seeds from a few years back and im considering building another grow box to do them but ill decide in April.
Good luck this season Darth
Have you tried copper tape against slugs, know a couple of guys who says it mostly works in their garden and around pots. Just ordered a couple of rolls of the serrated type, and plan to stick it around some cut off pot tops that will shield the stems of the Frisian Ducks and some other non-weedy prized plants this season. Hard hit by slugs and snail here last year, little morons munch on freakin almost everything you prize until it is stripped to the stems and leave all unkruid (Dutch for weeds you don't want) alone, dammit!


Copper Slug and Snail Tape 5m

Cheers corgy, yeh those slugs are the worst! I'm gonna beer trap, copper wire and diatomicous earth those bastards. I don't want to use any chemical snail bait as I need to respect the local environment and don't wanna put poison in and around the soil.

Shiiiit thought i posted on this thread when u started it DV but its not there now !!!
Ahhh well prepping is nearly done this end too just the soil to go but non of the local garden centres are stocking it yet so im just waiting on that. Dont fancy going farther afield for soil, my little shitbox car will crumble !!
Im running autos in April and June and photos in May, i have some super auto seeds from a few years back and im considering building another grow box to do them but ill decide in April.
Good luck this season Darth

Maffro! I took a trip down memory lane and reviewed some of your past outdoor grows, awesome stuff. What is your soil mix? I'm trying out coco just to make hauling easier and it's got great wicking action. Just gotta make sure they have enough calcium. I'm currently trying to read up as much as I can about coco, feel like I'm running in circles a bit but better to do the research now than last minute lol

All the best with your upcoming outdoor season also brotha. Let's puff a karma cloud to great meds come fall :Sharing One:

God damn snow drifts... This is one of those years I thank God I fled southern Ontario :)