Outdoor DV's Guerrilla Prep 2015

Good afternoon darth, i will attempt my first guerilla grow this year. I really wanted to run a few Kali mist from serious seeds but have decided against it for a few reasons such as living in the Northern Hemisphere for one, also km is not cheap, so i don't think it is wise just yet.

So, now I'm looking for a more indica, maybe even some freebie autos that way there's nothing to lose.

Ill follow you along on your journey

Good evening growbeast. I'm also northern hemisphere. Hopefully the sweet F1's pull through and the photos will be in a greenhouse. That kali mist takes a while to finish based on the serious site, late nov!

o right sounds like good ideas man, and beats getting the cat poison crap lool

Yup, no poison for sure. Gotta respect the local environment that's why I wanna go as organic as possible.
Splurged on some beans the last couple days.

Sweet Seeds Jack 47 F1, Cream Mandarin F1, Green Poison Photo and Cream 47 Photo. Used Alibongo promo currently on.

Also grabbed some HSO Dr Greenthum EmDog with my 24 hr Seedsman discount.

Along with those orders freebies include DNA Genetics LA Woman (LA Confidential x martian mean green) and Bubba Kush (not sure who the breeder is yet, freebie from Alibongo).


Hey Darth,

Great stash you got there, can't wait to see what you do with em.

Is that sweet seeds promo still going on? I was thinking about treating myself to some future smoke
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Hey gbi, yup the promo is still going on, SWEET20 for 20% off
How would you feed and water them with only 2 visits? I ran that MOB in the first post on 5 visits. The key is wick action. Buried a smart pot 2/3 into damp soil with promix herb and vegetable (contained slow release organic nutes) and basically a promix hp knockoff at 3:1. Wicked woolly wick action brotha. That's the main reason I'm going to try the coco near the bottom of the medium.

I may also try a seed run with STS. I'd love to cross the MOB with something citrusy like Cream Mandarin or Sweet Tooth, hell Hubbabubbasmelloscope would be killer, grape bubblegum? Yes please.

Pretty much my plan for the growing medium, I don't plan to visit to water I'm just hoping they make it - that is why I only want to do it if I am able to do a seed run because I know my success rate will be really low to zero. Only visiting 5 times is really good though ! Maybe I could manage an additional 2 or so but I can't guarantee it.

Mmm, those would be some delicious crosses DV !
Just a heads up for any Canadian guerrilla growers wanting to try coco, just picked up 5 kg bricks for $4 at Home Hardware. It's called Natura Beyond Peat. 100% coco coir and states it's pH neutral.

Can't wait for winter to f**k off, been - 30 C lately and my green thumb is itching hard.

-30C... making me feel warmer already... will be happy to see the back of winter for sure.. then time to complain about the heat....:Sharing One:
Pretty much my plan for the growing medium, I don't plan to visit to water I'm just hoping they make it - that is why I only want to do it if I am able to do a seed run because I know my success rate will be really low to zero. Only visiting 5 times is really good though ! Maybe I could manage an additional 2 or so but I can't guarantee it.

Mmm, those would be some delicious crosses DV !

Ifd you don't tend to them, you can likely expect about a 10% survival rate. I'll be doing some I won't be able to get to much if at all, so I too did a seedrun just for this. I'm planting about 100 seeds, plus 5-10 I can reach to tend to. all autos and all relatively small plants for stealth
I've worked out a 45 gallon medium mix. Gonna post for future reference and some feedback is welcome if you guys think I could approve it in some way. Keep in mind this is for photo's which will get plenty of sun and wicking moisture from a swamp/marsh. Plan is to run 5 plants at each location. Trying to keep it as simple as possible.

Organic 45 Gallon Mix
5kg brick of coco (20+ gallons)
85L bag of Promix Herb and Vegetable (great stuff, used it last year) 22 gallons
3 gallons of compost (cattle or chicken)

The promix is OMRI tested and contains slow release organic fertilizer as well as gypsum and mycorrhizae. I'll also add 2-3 cups of lime. When I get out to water/tend plants I'll feed with additional cal mag and epsom salts. Come flower I'll top dress with guanos.

Synthetic 45 Gallon Mix
2 x 5kg coco bricks (approx 40 gallons)
3 cups osmocote slow release
3 cups dolomite lime
Couple gallons of compost

The advantage to this mix is I don't have to haul in a huge bag of promix, straight coco for water retention and aeration. The drawback is it doesn't contain the perlite, mycorizzae and gypsum built into the promix. I could ammended the coco accordingly but again, my goal is to keep this simple.

Pots/container will be 2x2x1.5 stakes driven into soil with landscape fabric for the walls. Sort of a smart pot style swamp tube.


-30C... making me feel warmer already... will be happy to see the back of winter for sure.. then time to complain about the heat....:Sharing One:

True Duggy, right now I'd trade anything for a hot humid sticky day lol
I've worked out a 45 gallon medium mix. Gonna post for future reference and some feedback is welcome if you guys think I could approve it in some way. Keep in mind this is for photo's which will get plenty of sun and wicking moisture from a swamp/marsh. Plan is to run 5 plants at each location. Trying to keep it as simple as possible.

Organic 45 Gallon Mix
5kg brick of coco (20+ gallons)
85L bag of Promix Herb and Vegetable (great stuff, used it last year) 22 gallons
3 gallons of compost (cattle or chicken)

The promix is OMRI tested and contains slow release organic fertilizer as well as gypsum and mycorrhizae. I'll also add 2-3 cups of lime. When I get out to water/tend plants I'll feed with additional cal mag and epsom salts. Come flower I'll top dress with guanos.

Synthetic 45 Gallon Mix
2 x 5kg coco bricks (approx 40 gallons)
3 cups osmocote slow release
3 cups dolomite lime
Couple gallons of compost

The advantage to this mix is I don't have to haul in a huge bag of promix, straight coco for water retention and aeration. The drawback is it doesn't contain the perlite, mycorizzae and gypsum built into the promix. I could ammended the coco accordingly but again, my goal is to keep this simple.

Pots/container will be 2x2x1.5 stakes driven into soil with landscape fabric for the walls. Sort of a smart pot style swamp tube.


True Duggy, right now I'd trade anything for a hot humid sticky day lol

For the organic, you could use Grow More Organic Soil builder. Its all organic and come in a 4 pound box. I've probably treat close to 100 gallons of soil with it, great stuff!