Dutch Passion Dutch passion think diffrent, gn led,10l airpot.

Looking nice man, my TD is about 2 weeks behind yours. :smokebuds:
Hi AFN, day 48 & both my TD's ar doin really well,i hav got 2 diffrent pheno's for sure,1 is taller than the other & the buds ar lookin thiner aswell,im sure its very simalar to my TD iv got at day 77 & she wil be needin another wk or 2 at least. The other 1 is alot smaller but the buds are lookin massive for the age of her,they ar a lot hairier than the other 1 so im thinkin this 1 wil finnish first,but also hopin the buds wil keep up the work & get really fat. She has,nt streached as much as her sister but i know she wil be lovly come wk10-11...:smokebuds:
Hi AFN day 50 with my 2 TD. The 1 thats smaller is goin to give me some massive Buds, cant wait to see them fillin out. The taller 1 may well be the same pheno as my other 1 & she is prob gon to be 100 dayer. How many phenos is there of the TD?? Any1 know?? Iv got a Starryder started she is on day 16 & iv got 3 Taiga'2 goin in soil 2morrow so il b startin a new thread for them very soon. Last night i ordered 7 AutoFrisian Dew & also got 3 Fem Frisian Dew so im startn to get my out door grow organised. Il be growin 2 of them indoors the rest wil go outdoors, havnt got a green house so it wil be proper gruilla style in the Scottish wilderness,i wil keep things upto date on here. Anyway some pics of my TD,enjoy,,,:smokebuds:
Plants are looking FINE. If that isn't filled out already I am eger to see also!

Bad luck for the misses having her red item of clothing flashed :face: But hey, they don't look like A's:thumbs:
Hi AFN, iv just purched a jar of Meridian,Organic,Fairtrade Molasses,Pure Blackstrap. With me usin the BioBizz range how much of this stckie stuff do i gve my plants? I relise i wont give it on evry feed 1 a wk i think.Yes? I hav also been givin them a dose of Epsom Salts once a wk & i also relise i may not hav needed this Molasses but i thought it a gd idea to hav it handy incase needed. Any help would be great...:smokebuds:
she may be short but she looks like she will offer up a nice selection of buds for you before she is done Godzilar.

ps Good luck with the Frisian experience in Scotland. I reckon get the Autofrisian started indoors and plant out at 2-3 weeks around the end of May or start of June. Good luck, it will be really interesting to see how they do
The Frisan Dew just landed on my door this morning so happy wi that. I was goin to plant them outside mid May but it s not a prob to leave 2wks. We ar due a bummper summer here we get them evry 2-3yrs so hopfuly this yr wil be hot. Il be sure to post a few photos when visit but that wont be to many times as they wil be on a hill & im not that fit.lol...:smokebuds:
she may be short but she looks like she will offer up a nice selection of buds for you before she is done Godzilar.

ps Good luck with the Frisian experience in Scotland. I reckon get the Autofrisian started indoors and plant out at 2-3 weeks around the end of May or start of June. Good luck, it will be really interesting to see how they do