What makes you think it will hinder wicking? This product in my lawn has undoubtedly helped with moisture retention on this new place with its super sandy soil. If it helps with water retention, it should help with wicking. I'm not doubting what your saying, it's just not what I've seen outdoors.
I don't see how this particular form could harm wicking when used within reason. I think I used 4 cups per 1.5 cu/ft bag mixed in. Now that's not knowing how it will migrate thru the the media strata. I should be able draw some sort of logical conclusion, once I examine the pots after this grow is over. I might be able to see it harming wicking if it migrated to form a layer.
If you had some sort of empirical data you've found, I'd sure be interesting in reading it.
As far as water in the tent, that gets wiped and soaked up when I bottom water the pots in the trays after 30min of them soaking up the water.