New Grower dutch passion Auto White Widow & Think Different

Yeah man just get used to reading the plant first and then try new things once you are comfortable with growing.
Hey erbz, great looking girls and sounds like a nice set up! Personally I would stay away from the vege nutrients until they begin to flower, you are using canna tera pro... That is a strong soil medium! I am using canna tera pro on my photo period plants, they have been vegin for 50 days and still require zero vege nutes.

Great job though, keep up the good work!

Peace brother :peace:
Cheers for the kind words man but if you check out grim reefers thread on the TD and aww you'll see why I'm following his journal absolute monsters I'm using pro plus aswell it only has starter nutes for seedlings, they have both took nicely too the veg nutes packed on loads of new foliage in the last couple of days:grin: i'll put more pics up 2moro after i feed them :tiphat:
Hey erbz, no problem! Ah right I understand if your following another's methods. I just thought I would say because I have found canna tera pro strong, not too strong but not like their light mix. What gallon are your pots? If they are not to big then fair enough, Mine are in 6 gallon... So I don't require vege nutes through vege. All the best to you and have a happy grow friend :)

Peace brother :peace:
Both 25L pots dunno what that is in gallons lol but both are thriving I'll be putting more pics up in a while wen lights go off :-) cheers for the comments and same ta you dude :Sharing One:
Hey erbz, 25l that is basically 6 gallon... Just under! Personally I would not feed them any vege nutes friend because it will take a long time for them auto's to use 6 gallons of soil! I fed my auto its first feed of bio grow at 4 weeks old with a half dose of half a millilitre and still got claw leaf, so I have not touched it since! more is less when it comes to vege, you will slow growth rather than speed it up 6 gallons worth of soil has a lot of nutrients.

They are going to get big in the them 6 gallons, my auto currently stands at 76cm from the soil... So be prepared for the height!

Nice it will be great to see your new plant pics friend :)

Peace brother :peace:
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As far as i know man Canna Terra Pro Plus has little to nothing nutes in it. Maybe enough for the first week or two and thats about it. Wu Wei the CANNA Terra pro that your using is different to the pro plus.
week 3 day 19

sorry for taking so long to post more pics been flat out the last few days the girls got their third feed of nutes yesterday and second dose of cal/mag i had to purchase some nat off also cause i spotted a few of the little ***** but havent seen any since yesterday so hopefully i got them all?? im not sure weather or not im just trippin but i think there might be somethin wrong with my think diff the leaves look like their droopin no discolouration or anythin or any brown or yellow spots but doesnt look right and the a.w.w has a couple of leaves looking like their startin to claw/curl ive read that this could be a nitrogen toxicity so if anyone can put my mind at ease id be very gratefull

Think Diff

aww + td 001.jpgaww + td 002.jpgaww + td 003.jpgaww + td 004.jpgaww + td 005.jpg

White Widow

aww + td 006.jpgaww + td 007.jpgaww + td 008.jpg see wat i mean about the curling?? sorry for the blurry pics i have seriously shakey hands haha. aww + td 010.jpgaww + td 011.jpgaww + td 012.jpg the pinkish colour on this one is only the shine off the walls..aww + td 013.jpgaww + td 014.jpgaww + td 015.jpg

any ideas or am i just bein paranoid???
Yeah man you have a little to much N going on with both of them there. you can tell from the very dark colour and the way the tips are pointing straight down like a claw. My advice is to cut out the rhizo now and see if this helps you can add a little bit back in if you want when it has gone, rhizo is best used by itself anyway. Besides that it looks good man.