New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

Unsulphured yes, some organic shyt was all the store had. Wasnt cheap

She isnt really drinking, unless my buddy is watering it too much. I dont think so tho
Yesterday I think. I will be checking soon and get back to you

How often do you water and how much? Sorry for all the questions I'm just trying to get an understanding of your set up and how your girls are within it. Like my kids get soaked and in the grow bags they take about 2 days before they eat again. What do you grow in?
How often do you water and how much? Sorry for all the questions I'm just trying to get an understanding of your set up and how your girls are within it. Like my kids get soaked and in the grow bags they take about 2 days before they eat again. What do you grow in?

:smokeout: lmao... We (including you) have been talking about kind soil for 2 pages! You wouldn't happen to like pot would you?

:smokeout: lmao... We (including you) have been talking about kind soil for 2 pages! You wouldn't happen to like pot would you?


Lol I meant what CONTAINER does he grow in... Air pot? Grow bag? sorry I was vague...

Depending on bags/air pots dry out times are way different...
He uses fabric pots... Looks like 5 gallon.

OK so dry out time shouldn't be as quick as air pots. Air pots I know some water/feed daily... Fabric pots he probably has a day or two before needing to water/feed again. I'm guessing because I don't know his temps/rH... Unless you know that too! rofl!

*sharing one*

Oh yeah and 5 gallon... I doubt that would dry out in a day.. But idk how he how much at once.