New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

Maybe mag def or n toxic. Not drinking much worries me. She may be locked out
they put a list of what in it somewhere. I had a smoke, i gots the dums :smoking: :pass:

I think some molasses tonight, if no change then i guess i flush.
Hmmm... I didn't think N toxicity presented like this. I THINK if the plant is deficient symptoms appear from the bottom up. Yellowing. If toxic, symptoms appear from the top down and show dark green. I am guessing though..
She was given 2 rounds of roots/aurira dry nutes via top dressed and watered in. I was going to use half tsp molasses and 4 cups if water. That ok @Rebel ?

What's in your molasses? How much cal mag if any? All brands are different. Imo you need to add N and nothing else... Too much cal/mag or any other micro nutes that are in the molasses could bring issues. As I don't know what's exactly in the KS... The break down and percentages... If its just that one plant she alone obviously needs more N. If the others are fine leave them be...

Some phenos are like that. You just have to understand what she's tellin you and give her what she needs. *thumbs up*