New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

happy plants=happy gardener
Very happy!


Nirvana stretched out, time to build some buds. But if the amnesia doesn't do something it might get thrown in the yard! Almost 7 weeks in and no pistils. I may cut the light cycle back, the sativa may like that better too. I'm running 18/6.
Amnesia is 19 inches, got good early training.

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Anyone want to suggest what to do to induce flowering? @912GreenSkell @Waira @Ripper @trailanimal

She will be getting a dose of big up powder tomorrow.

Really there is only a couple of things you can "try". One is to pump it with a high PK fertilizer, but if its a photo then you are shit out of luck. The other thing is to start dropping the lights on regime. If its a light sensitive photo, that might trigger it into flower at 18 hours on, 6 hours off. But you might have to drop is down further depending.
Really there is only a couple of things you can "try". One is to pump it with a high PK fertilizer, but if its a photo then you are shit out of luck. The other thing is to start dropping the lights on regime. If its a light sensitive photo, that might trigger it into flower at 18 hours on, 6 hours off. But you might have to drop is down further depending.
Big up is a heavy booster. Tonight I did reduce the light by 1 hour, was 18-6, now 17-7. Didn't want to hurt my other plant too soon. It is a sativa so the shorter schedule may benefit it too. May reduce it another hour next week.

I haven't done 24 hours of dark yet but may. No budding is messing up my schedule.

Thanks skelly!
Big up is a heavy booster. Tonight I did reduce the light by 1 hour, was 18-6, now 17-7. Didn't want to hurt my other plant too soon. It is a sativa so the shorter schedule may benefit it too. May reduce it another hour next week.

I haven't done 24 hours of dark yet but may. No budding is messing up my schedule.

Thanks skelly!

I hear you on all points bud....its a tough call what to do in this situation!! To date i have never had an auto not auto, though i did once have a barneys farm auto struggle to get into real preflower during a naturally increasing outdoor light regime. As soon as the light started to decrease it started to properly flower.

If its a true photo, actual preflower should happen in the 14-15 hours range(depending on strain of course)