New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

Close up of the SD main cola

I'm waiting on the fatting up too. Doing good dudeski. Hunting for a job at the moment which is a little stressful but life's going good.

You still using a cob as side lighting? I'm thinking about going with cobs next instead of another platinum LED.
Im using cobs as primary and a mars 48x5 as secondary. I built a 2 cob light, passive cooled and easily moved. One cob each plant. I like them, its a learning curve getting the power and distance dialed in.
Im using cobs as primary and a mars 48x5 as secondary. I built a 2 cob light, passive cooled and easily moved. One cob each plant. I like them, its a learning curve getting the power and distance dialed in.

Heck yeah!! I like the idea of cobs as I look at them more. I know I'm late to the cob party but seeing what people are doing with them makes me want one or two. So efficient! Thanks for sharing dude.
They are, im running mine about half power now. Grew 2 rounds of short plants before i wasn't stoned enough to realize i had the liggts disled up over 80%. Gotta,watch out for good smoke, gives me the dums