New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

If anyone is still following, im still around, just had life happen. Had to have some unexpected surgery, and I wasn't happy! I think stress played a big part in it but im alive and kicking. Cant let a blade get us down, just a thing and im fortunate because there are always others worse off. Still sore but i can do most everything i want again. I really missed the AFN family.

Good to see you back in action bro. Was thinking just the other day that i hadnt seen you for a while.:d5:
Welcome back @Dudeski :pass:
I hope you find a new job soon that is less stressfull!:goodluck:
You might want to screen yourself before your new job does so you can make sure you can pass. I would hate to have a dumb piss test disqualify me or anyone else from a good job. Maybe in my lifetime cannabis will be removed from the drug screen :deadhorse:
If anyone is still following, im still around, just had life happen. Had to have some unexpected surgery, and I wasn't happy! I think stress played a big part in it but im alive and kicking. Cant let a blade get us down, just a thing and im fortunate because there are always others worse off. Still sore but i can do most everything i want again. I really missed the AFN family.
Oh man I'm glad you're okay!
Thank you all for sticking around! Yes, i would hate to not pass the screen. Not smoking is way less stressful than the daily bullshit i have to deal with now. Going to get a test this weekend, just wanted to give a good chance to clean up first.
Oh and @Smorf , i have a plant with the same deficiency as yours. My problem is that my buddy has watered her so much its stressed out the plant. Omg, im not sure what im going to do with him! He is 79 and stays waaaayyyyy too stoned. Yes i said it, too stoned. I used powdered Roots Elemental for ca/mg. I like it, no ph adjusting, but cant fukn water it in.....
Oh and @Smorf , i have a plant with the same deficiency as yours. My problem is that my buddy has watered her so much its stressed out the plant. Omg, im not sure what im going to do with him! He is 79 and stays waaaayyyyy too stoned. Yes i said it, too stoned. I used powdered Roots Elemental for ca/mg. I like it, no ph adjusting, but cant fukn water it in.....
Haha thats going to be me one day. Too stoned all the time:smoking:
Maybe you can find a cheap digital bathroom scale so you can show him the weight of the pot after watering and tell him what the weight should be when its time to water again or something like that. It will vary throughout the grow when the plant puts on weight but i think that might help him improve his watering technique:pass:
Glad you're back bud, im looking forward to pics of the ladies:pop:
Haha thats going to be me one day. Too stoned all the time:smoking:
Maybe you can find a cheap digital bathroom scale so you can show him the weight of the pot after watering and tell him what the weight should be when its time to water again or something like that. It will vary throughout the grow when the plant puts on weight but i think that might help him improve his watering technique:pass:
Glad you're back bud, im looking forward to pics of the ladies:pop:

We have a scale. Problem is i switched from a coco/peat mix to a peat based soil. He is used to regular watering and no worries about too much water. I hope to get more pics tomorrow. Now just to keep him from giving them more. I'm gonna cut him off if he isn't careful. Really, just to temind him there wont be any smoke if he dont listen and chill. That gets him every time!
Day 26 and the sour diesel isn't happy being so wet. The Mexican Airlines isnt suffering but both get to dry out if i can keep my buddy in check.




