New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

If anyone is still following, im still around, just had life happen. Had to have some unexpected surgery, and I wasn't happy! I think stress played a big part in it but im alive and kicking. Cant let a blade get us down, just a thing and im fortunate because there are always others worse off. Still sore but i can do most everything i want again. I really missed the AFN family.
If anyone is still following, im still around, just had life happen. Had to have some unexpected surgery, and I wasn't happy! I think stress played a big part in it but im alive and kicking. Cant let a blade get us down, just a thing and im fortunate because there are always others worse off. Still sore but i can do most everything i want again. I really missed the AFN family.
Damn bro, I was just wondering where you ran off too. I'm sorry to hear you needed surgery but glad everything is ok. I have a little something for you if you need some stress relief. :thumbsup: Welcome back Dudeski!
Mw and my buddy started another round but it got messed up due to the surgery. So, we started another. One each Mexican Airlines by fastbuds and a Dinafem Sour Diesel. And to make it worse, got our first case of infestation of gnats. Nasty lil bastards! Took almost 3 weeks but i think they are under control. Had to throw a new bag of soil outside, won't be buying from that supplier again. Pics taken Day 23.


Dinafem Sour Diesel, strong genetics!


Fastbuds Mexican Airlines, excellent smoke! So good we grew it again.
On top of all our issues, a storm went thru and they sat in the dark 2 days. My dam buddy wouldn't sit them outside or in a sunny window. Daym stoner! They already had bugs do it really wouldn't have mattered.
And thru all this, im trying to get a new job and have to pass the physical. No smoking, uggghhh! Not chancing it so i haven't smoked in 4 weeks. I really have to get away from where i am at because the stress will kill me before not smoking. I hope my system will be clean before the screen.
If anyone is still following, im still around, just had life happen. Had to have some unexpected surgery, and I wasn't happy! I think stress played a big part in it but im alive and kicking. Cant let a blade get us down, just a thing and im fortunate because there are always others worse off. Still sore but i can do most everything i want again. I really missed the AFN family.
Been missing you buddy glad you are back
If anyone is still following, im still around, just had life happen. Had to have some unexpected surgery, and I wasn't happy! I think stress played a big part in it but im alive and kicking. Cant let a blade get us down, just a thing and im fortunate because there are always others worse off. Still sore but i can do most everything i want again. I really missed the AFN family.
stress free
Dudeski Khan
alive stoner!
And thru all this, im trying to get a new job and have to pass the physical. No smoking, uggghhh! Not chancing it so i haven't smoked in 4 weeks. I really have to get away from where i am at because the stress will kill me before not smoking. I hope my system will be clean before the screen.
there goes stress free, damn
hey @Dudeski glad to hear your on the mend dude and growing again :bighug: :pass: I did wonder where you had been... I'm just about to finish my war with the gnats, they won in the end... I tried my best, even sent in the special forces at one point and got them down to nothing (the little buggers must have dug in deep with reserves). Then in the last 2 weeks they have come back with reinforcements. The grow is over in a week or 2 so I'm giving up and waiting for them to hit the left over soil heap in the back garden.