New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

Yeah, going to see in the morning if theres been more signs of it spreading then decide. My flush water is gonna be rather cold so...
Water is probably about 60. But im not using bottled nutes, supersoil. Hopefully i wont have to flush but i will know tomorrow.
I think flushing may be a last resort? It will definitely cause problems with your setup at this point in your grow...
Im leaning towards adjusting my tap using the demeters to lower the ph. Would probably only need 1/4 tsp or less for a quart of water. Its not a strong calcium fertilizer either and not salt based.
the problem is not with you or your water bro its the soil. you need a bloom top coating or light light hit of bloom with a small touch of N. thats why I like granules for this sometimes,although soluble or liquid is best for this imho.

the KS is a solid product BUT , the flaw is with the recipe. when I did the t est it was juuust about perfect except for some aggression scorching n so on.

with ALL others I grew After the test,each and every one exhibited whats that tell you guys? its either unworked,balance is off,OR which the quality control has gone out the window. he really needs to get a handle on it or its gonna break him man. shame too cuz my plant(which im convinced was from an earlier run of soil/separate recipe even) did exceedingly well and not even I could get another plant to grow that well and I bought a few pounds to figure it out. nadda single one did worth a damn. pissed me off flatly. i was NOT happy and am still not. i hit him up trying to tell him he needs to bloom them out with some longer sustained Nitrogen and more of botgh types of bloom foods.

PH water is fine but its a temporary thing. Little life left if any and problably zero to very little lime left to help the non existent life buffer your soil.THAt is why its failing,it aint you bro,its them. you have to limp across the finish line.

I can assure you it IS NOT you broseph :D
Dudeski, my man. This comment is in regards to cob light distance. I have learned 36" to be a good starting point, for a bit of stretch. In full bloom 18', if they can handle it. Being closer, during stretch time sure could be why they are squat. Imho.

Good luck sorting out this out. May the force be with you.
Dudeski, my man. This comment is in regards to cob light distance. I have learned 36" to be a good starting point, for a bit of stretch. In full bloom 18', if they can handle it. Being closer, during stretch time sure could be why they are squat. Imho.

Good luck sorting out this out. May the force be with you.

Ive been keeping them between 26 and 28 , squatty is cool if the secondary growth fills out. I will get them higher next run. Ty sir
the problem is not with you or your water bro its the soil. you need a bloom top coating or light light hit of bloom with a small touch of N. thats why I like granules for this sometimes,although soluble or liquid is best for this imho.

the KS is a solid product BUT , the flaw is with the recipe. when I did the t est it was juuust about perfect except for some aggression scorching n so on.

with ALL others I grew After the test,each and every one exhibited whats that tell you guys? its either unworked,balance is off,OR which the quality control has gone out the window. he really needs to get a handle on it or its gonna break him man. shame too cuz my plant(which im convinced was from an earlier run of soil/separate recipe even) did exceedingly well and not even I could get another plant to grow that well and I bought a few pounds to figure it out. nadda single one did worth a damn. pissed me off flatly. i was NOT happy and am still not. i hit him up trying to tell him he needs to bloom them out with some longer sustained Nitrogen and more of botgh types of bloom foods.

PH water is fine but its a temporary thing. Little life left if any and problably zero to very little lime left to help the non existent life buffer your soil.THAt is why its failing,it aint you bro,its them. you have to limp across the finish line.

I can assure you it IS NOT you broseph :D

I have big up powder for bloom. Will get them a light light dose. My frustration is just my lack of experience correcting problems but im learning thanks to you! It has been great soil for a month but now is time to build flowers and it shouldn't quit working. Ill get photos afterwhile. Thanks again bud!
i know mine were at 24+ inches(more like 26+ really) or better and my plants responded well with a nice temp on the soil and a breeze as ya know. I never had any reason to make it further from the plants with my own COB's. but ill know more when these wee ones pop. but fully powered up i could see maybe 30" tops..for my light anyways.
no problem.. and another thing man. because there is little left its hard and very slow to take up feeds. was stupid slow and would only stall it. i cut mine out of the pot and repotted it and everything even in MY own make of soil. and a tea .only stalled it. nadda thing more I could do, so again broseph,its the products issue not only with uptake ,but the balance has been completely thrown out the window. best of luck bro!! hit me up if ya need me man.
Also, my first auto euphoria was a nice plant in the soil. There are other options so im trying a different route. Also going to use a different soil to top with. I'm going to use this to keep learning so im not giving up. If i gotta break out the bottle nutes i will!