New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

Hey dudeski, dont be stressing yourself. Your plant is well into flower its just sucking life outta the lower fan leaves. Ya shoulda seen mine it was like an amber traffic light, more foreign stuff you add the more chance ya have of damaging it. Id just feed minimum with water. Dont be panicking, she looks as happy as any female can haha:cools:
Lol, not gonna go too crazy. Need to decide on water, will move slowly. Just upset because the fairy frost is doing so well and i got mad.
Im thinking about measuring out my next water and using just a tad of nectar of the gods calcium, demeters destiny, to drop the ph. Do 2 things at once. Its organic so it shouldn't hurt the benes in the soil.
With tap water !.. You really dont have to worry about ph of tap just let it sit over night in pail or something if your worried about chlorine... You should store mixed nutes in cool dark place [emoji6]
Is it horrible cold ? Whats the temp of the water ranging? A good flushing and just let her pot dry out will get alot of the acid out so you can stabilize after that you can feed her again.. Looks pretty dark to me Nitrogen toxi Can stunt Them as well..
A good flushing is 3 to 5 times your pot size not just A Saturation of Watering a flood off it to wipe all that out there will be alot un wanted nutes check your ppm of run off It may be fairly high...
Make sure you have A huge bin for the drainage or something in that nature you dont Want it to be sitting in its flush[emoji6]
The kindsoil has been doing this, even to the guys that know lots more than me. About this time too for them all. Such concentrated nutes in the bottom i guess and it seems to go bonkers. Its why i tagged EoF. Solutions arent easy for me and now a probe would help some. Just almost fucked unless I get lucky and it doesn't progress rapidly. I'm going to change soils, just like you! Im going to learn more about growing in the process. And yes, get a probe after Christmas. You have one?
I use an accurate 8 probe... I have never used anything else or tried to compare it to anything for accuracy, but I think it works alright!