New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

your using feed and nutes on top of roots AND kind soil?! thats your issue right there. PH in the soil,too many acids and its going to be small.your distance is fine man,imo. its the soil AND using feeds. with PH'ing water too?..yeah thats a problem. a touch of lime and no PH ing the water and no feeds next time as long as your water is chlorine and no chloramines
No chloramine and i bubble for chlorine. Didn't think distilled could be so i dont. Ok, top dress with a little lime or can i dissolve it? Whats available at lowes or walmart i can use? Didn't think about the nutes in the other siil, thought it was minimal.

I have to change a lot, but I learn. Thanks for the help bud.

well,ideally what your gonna want to do is one of a cpl things. you can either sprinkle a cpl tsp or so over the top avoiding the stalk by a cpl inches.then turning it into the top of the soil in the pot. then keeping it moist it'll eventually negate the issues giving you grief.OR add lime to the soil prior AND after palnting have a read y to use soil fully blended ,that way you can jus t top coat and water :D easy pezy. which two,is add a few TBspns to a cpl gallons or so and then add in several days onve fully broken down and partly blended,then some can be leached into the soil. Hydrated lime is bad biz bro LOL i wont tell ya to use that. :D
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and then a mellow flower tea once the week n a half or two go by and thats about the best you can hope for at this point bro. but if given just water ,you'll be ok man. just hit ONLY with a light bloom feed and you might get away with that but PH is an issue,no enough balancing lime in the KS. so plain water is also a plan as well. your choice ,or both :D
Yeah, have to get through this one first. Then try a different approach with soils. May use a little lime to get through this one and water her out. The fairy frost is what i dont want to get issues, its been so nice so far.
and then a mellow flower tea once the week n a half or two go by and thats about the best you can hope for at this point bro. but if given just water ,you'll be ok man. just hit ONLY with a light bloom feed and you might get away with that but PH is an issue,no enough balancing lime in the KS. so plain water is also a plan as well. your choice ,or both :D
I added this stuff to my mix this time. Does it look like the right lime?
All I would've done is lowered the pH of my water. If you've been watering with 7.5 water you're locking out nutes. I'd adjust pH before ammending the media anymore. Not to mention...lime will raise your pH more on top of your high pH water.