New Grower Duckster's First Adventure

Hello Duckster,thats a fine set up you have there.
Im pulling my chair up for this one.
Good luck mate.

I am one of the most impatient people around, and at first, I was impatient with my plants, too. That shit didn't last long, bro! "...beans that I did not need." WTF??!! You must've been overly high when you typed that out, because that statement just doesn't make sense! I know about beans that I can't grow out yet, because I don't have enough space, but beans I don't need??!! Preposterous!! Poppycock, I say! LOL!

Ok GB ya got me there. Let me re-phrase that to beans that I don't need right now lmao
OK. See, I can empathize with you now!
Talula's birthday

It's on now buddy. Talula decided to pop up, shed her helmet, and take a look around. Lucy is a bit shy or lazy. She seems to be a day or two behind, but I can see that her shell has cracked and she is starting to push her way out.:grin:

Talula Day 1.jpg96x5 480 watt.jpg

Talula's baby picture and a shot of my 96x5 480 watt panel that came in last week. :cool:
It's on now buddy. Talula decided to pop up, shed her helmet, and take a look around. Lucy is a bit shy or lazy. She seems to be a day or two behind, but I can see that her shell has cracked and she is starting to push her way out.:grin:

View attachment 422981View attachment 422982

Talula's baby picture and a shot of my 96x5 480 watt panel that came in last week. :cool:
Good to hear you got poppin, Brother Duckster :) I'm getting cabinet envy from your rig pics!
:d5::Sharing One:
Cabinet envy lmao No way dude - I know your setups rock!!!!!!!!!!
Happy birthday to Talula and Lucy.
The game is afoot.