New Grower Duckster's First Adventure

Annnnnd awaaaaay we go! Looks like a solid setup to start with, now let the party begin!!

Looks like you haven't threw your link into your siggy yet, so here's some step by step instructions, courtesy of Trap. He sent me these when I started my first grow, now they move on to you for your first. Most likely, you'll be sharing them one day, too, as I've passed these along several times:

go to the first page of your journal, highlight the url, right click and copy.....

Then go into your profile and find the edit signature option...

Then type in how you want the signature link to read/appear

Then highlight it and select the link button up top in the edit field (it has a little chain link)

then paste the copied url into the provided field

then hit save changes

If you want it to appear in the bottom, MIDDLE of your posts, like mine, highlight it and center justify prior to saving
I have to agree with the others, Duckster.

AWESOME set-up and great homework deciding what to go with and how.
It looks like you just skipped 3 or 4 grows worth of learning and went straight to Pro.

Way to come out of the gates hot!
Hey Duckster, nice sounding set up mate I will just take a seat here and watch the show.

:Sharing One:
Hey JT, Elsam, GB, Sour, & Trap - Thanks for stopping by. If I have any success on this grow, 100% of the credit is owed to all of the wonderful, helpful pros here at AFN
cab pics


A few pics of my cab. My 480w panel is AWOL and won't be here till the end of the week. But figured that I don't need it yet because the beans are still germinating.
im jealous duck!! that's 1 kick ass setup for your 1st or 50th im subbed.
You sure its your first grow? That set up looks the business duckster good luck bro
Hey duckster, mean set up bro.. I'm v interested to see what happens with the Voodoo juice having been pre watered in.. most on here seem to start for first 7/10 days with plain water.. iv wondered what wud happen if VDJ or anoter root stimulator was watered into the soil from day 1 ;-) all the best with the grow.. may all your buds b big and hard good sir lol
that's about the sweetest cab I've seen Duckster, top notch all the way