New Grower Duckster's First Adventure

im jealous duck!! that's 1 kick ass setup for your 1st or 50th im subbed.

You sure its your first grow? That set up looks the business duckster good luck bro

that's about the sweetest cab I've seen Duckster, top notch all the way

Hey Faded, Sang, & Elsa - Thanks for stopping by to take a peek. Would have liked to DIY but I just don't have the time. So this is a prefab and ya know they want a left nut for it. lol It comes with a full hydro setup, but I wanted to try soil a few times before I jump into hydro. If I get payback in 12 months, I'll be happy.
Hey duckster, mean set up bro.. I'm v interested to see what happens with the Voodoo juice having been pre watered in.. most on here seem to start for first 7/10 days with plain water.. iv wondered what wud happen if VDJ or anoter root stimulator was watered into the soil from day 1 ;-) all the best with the grow.. may all your buds b big and hard good sir lol

Hey Hope thanks for the visit. Yea Voodoo juice watered in from the get go. Something I read in a link. Was going to loosely the link how tos. All AN nutes which is what I have. I added Calmag to the soup too. Here is the link if ya want to check it out
That's a spiffy cab, Duck! Almost makes me want to hang up my DIY tool belt. Almost...!
That's a spiffy cab, Duck! Almost makes me want to hang up my DIY tool belt. Almost...!

Yea put away the tool belt and break out the wallet. lol I like it though, heavy duty construction, internal wiring, air channels, and fans are built in. Now all I need is the main light to show up.

Oh yeah and it would be nice if the beans would if the beans would crack too! Hurry the hell up - I ain't got all minute. lmao
LMFAO! I feel you, man! Germing is so nerve wrecking for me!
Beans still no cracky - WTF
Patience, Ducky. She'll pop for you, bro. Give it a lil more time
Patience, Ducky. She'll pop for you, bro. Give it a lil more time

LMAO - reminds me of the cartoon/poster of the two vultures sitting in the tree. One vulture is saying to the other vulture "Patience my ass! I'm gonna kill something!"
Well it's been almost a week and the beans still have not cracked. If they have not cracked by tomorrow, I'm thinking of trying two more. What do ya'll think?