New Grower Duckster's First Adventure

Yeh I thought the cab was pretty good for a prefab. It suited my space requirements. Same one that oldcoot is using cept he is using the hydro stuff and he has a different light package.

The cab manufacturer has an OEM with one of the led manufacturers and my light is made special for them - possibly. Cept for the color, 5w vs. 3w leds, and the location of the switches, it looks identical to the Mars 96x3 reflector unit.

Wanted to start with some decent tools to give my lack of skills a fighting chance lol Thanks for the kudos lads
Day 5

Here is Talula on day 5
Talula Day 5.jpg

Her first set of leaves has gotten a bit bigger but not much else going on. I hope the root system is developing much quicker than what's going on above ground.

Lucy is still sleeping WTF. Can see a root coming out but nothing coming up. Popped her rooter cube into the solo cup with a cling wrap cover anyway.
This is Talula day 9

Talula Day 9.jpg

Talulas frist leaf set leaf tips look kind ofdried out. The second set is getting bigger but they are kind of curled up andlook kind of funky. What’s up with that? Wondering the soil is too rich? If so, is it too late to move the cube to a cup with a mix of perlite and light warrior? Lucy has still not popped up from the rooter. So, a couple of days ago I popped another white widow max auto bean into a rooter. We'll see what happens with this one.

Sorry having problems with this post. I had eye surgery this morning and I'm having some problems seeing what I'm doing.
I'm not sure, but the soil may be a bit hot. Looks like some burn on the tips
I thought that too. This morning I noticed that the cling wrap was resting on the leaf tips. I removed the cling wrap. I also noticed another set of leaves coming in. They are stacked right on top of the previous set. No spacing at all.
Might wanna raise your light to encourage stretching.
Day 11

The leaf tips appear to have been burnt by resting against the moist cling wrap. The cling wrap has been removed. I have moved her to the upper chamber with the light about 20" from the soil.

Talula Day 11.jpg
DUDE!! I know ur probably sick of hearing this comment but your cab is the shite!! Not sure what you forked out for it but hot damn it looks awesome. Do ya have a link for it? If u already posted it I must have missed Anyway glad to see ya gotts ur game on.
She's coming around, Duck :) Those little infinks don't like being draped on.. lolol
Did Lucy pop? I have a seed that is playing the Dormant Game with me, right now.. It happens :(
some love, Bro :Sharing One:
DUDE!! I know ur probably sick of hearing this comment but your cab is the shite!! Not sure what you forked out for it but hot damn it looks awesome. Do ya have a link for it? If u already posted it I must have missed Anyway glad to see ya gotts ur game on.

Thanks dude but I can't take any credit for the cab. Here is a link

I forked out too as in too much. But with no time for DIY it was the best option for me.

Glad to see you're enjoying the new gig. Always a good thing to be able to do what you love! Thanks for stopping by.