Day 30
Things are moving along nicely. Spotted more pistols on the TS and TBM, but nothing on the AK yet. All are looking healthy and green. Soil ph is 6.6-6.8. Rh 35-42%. Temps are like clockwork, 81-82 lights off and 88 with the bloom spectrum only lights on (92 with veg spectrum only lights on). Doing this grow with almost exclusively with the bloom spectrum only. The girls seem to be dealing with the heat though, so no worries.
Currently feeding 750ml every other day with
1.75 ml/l AN pH perfect Grow
1.75 ml/l AN pH perfect Micro
1.75 ml/l AN pH perfect Bloom
1 ml/l AN B-52
The TS got another healthy dose of bondage this week. Working on her main stalk and 6 of her tallest branches. Her tallest point is about 25cm, but guessing she would be about 39cm if she weren't bent over.
The AK got another dose of bondage this week too. Working on her main stalk and 6 of her tallest branches. Her tallest point is about 26cm, but guessing she would be about 34cm if she weren't bent over.
Still no bondage for the TBM. She is also at 26cm standing straight and tall. Her branches spreading nicely on their own, She's a good girl she is.
As always, thanks for taking an interest and stopping by. Ta for now.