Mephisto Genetics Duckster does Mephisto

I have found the paper bag dry method works best in my environment. I use large brown paper bags that the local market bags my groceries in. I double bag (a bag within another bag). I put a single layer of buds at the bottom of the bag along with a rH meter. I fold the top of the bag over and secure with a clip or close pin. Put the bag in a cool dark location. It normally takes 10-15 days for my bud to dry enough to go in the jars. Lots of variations to this method.

A short video for clarity.

Thanks man, really helps, I'm definitely going with paper bags next season :)
Thanks for sharing the video Duckster. Planned on doing this when I harvest my midgets. Saved me some research!! :d5:

Thanks man, really helps, I'm definitely going with paper bags next season :)

No problem guys. Just check them for mold every day or so. I have never had a problem but others have had mold problems.
Right so I forgot to knock wood when I made the above statement. So lo and behold disaster has struck. Opened the bags today and found the rh was still over 70% and a bit of mold on some of the buds. A bit disappointing to say the least. I have smoked moldy bud before back when I was young and dumb. Kind of nasty taste but otherwise, no ill effects that I am aware of. But I have a decent stash so I have no plans to risk it.

I went ahead and did a final trim and weight, so I ended up with 116g of wonderful smelling, extremely sticky, slightly moldy buds. bummer!!!! Seems that it would be a waste to toss it. There has got to be something I can do with it. Put it in a large plastic bag and into the freezer it went. Perhaps it is destined for batch of bubble hash. Will have to do a bit of research.
Bummer to hear Duckster? This may be a dumb question but what type of mold. Is it powder or no? Hash may be the best option. Did you put the infected buds away from the noninfected? If not it still may spread. I've read people using hydrogen peroxide but have no idea how it works. There won't be much help from me brother as I don't know much still. Wish I had a simple answer. I would have shed a few tears I think. Hope you can figure something out. Maybe somebody that had moldy buds in the past can chime in. It's gonna happen to the best of us and will be checking in to see what happens.
Right so I forgot to knock wood when I made the above statement. So lo and behold disaster has struck. Opened the bags today and found the rh was still over 70% and a bit of mold on some of the buds. A bit disappointing to say the least. I have smoked moldy bud before back when I was young and dumb. Kind of nasty taste but otherwise, no ill effects that I am aware of. But I have a decent stash so I have no plans to risk it.

I went ahead and did a final trim and weight, so I ended up with 116g of wonderful smelling, extremely sticky, slightly moldy buds. bummer!!!! Seems that it would be a waste to toss it. There has got to be something I can do with it. Put it in a large plastic bag and into the freezer it went. Perhaps it is destined for batch of bubble hash. Will have to do a bit of research.
Throw them into a water cure... Or make some nice bubble hash or ISO :D
Ok broke out the microscope and took a few pictures and did some research. Found some videos with half decent photos. It describes powdery mildew as fine sider web like growths and the pictures are almost identical to the one below.

txa pm.png

So I guess powdery mildew it is. Also found a video where a couple of guys were using buds with a lot more PM than what I have to make hash. So I guess it should be OK for hash. Just as well cause I'm really liking the hash I made last week. Hard not to keep dipping in that jar. lolol
Oh yeah - have not mentioned the SH lately. Day 25 for her. Another short bushy girl. Only 19cm (7.5"), I have already snipped off at least 10 of the really big fan leaves and she still looks really bushy. She showed her first pistols today.


Thought that she was looking a bit lonely so time pop a bean a rapid rooter. Sour Crack is the next up in the rotation. Got out a choice SC bean and was admiring it with a magnifying glass and I dropped the silly fecker. Spent the next hour crawling around on the floor looking for it. Never did find it, so near as I can figure, it was spirited away by demons, the fecken cat ate it, or I am more blind that I thought. lolol Got out another SC bean and managed to get it into the rooter without further incident.


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