Mephisto Genetics Duckster does Mephisto

Ah shucks Mitch - Mephisto genetics can make anyone look good. Hats off to you and the rest of the Mephisto crowd for your excellent work.
So I was tired of the rh meters taking up my jar space.


I saw something on a thread a few months back where they were installing small rh meters into the lid of the jars and thought that was a nifty idea. Only problem was, I couldn't find the rh meters. I finally found them on Amazon last month. They ship from china so about 4 weeks to get here. They arrived yesterday so I whipped these up today.




I only ordered 6 of these because I wasn't sure of the accuracy. Still not sure of the accuracy, but after 24 hours in the cab my good rh meter reads 35.6% and all 6 of these are within +/-1%. Much more consistent than the ones that I have been using. Got a feeling i'll be ordering more of these soon. Not bad for $7US even if the delivery is a bit slow.
Here is a link in case anyone would like to check it out. oopps the link did n0t post for some reason


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Ok so I had a few hours available during the week so I decided to make some hash. I used about 80g of fresh frozen leaf and trim along with 30-35g of dried bud. I ended up doing 3 stir/strain cycles but each was done bit different. I put all of the bags in the bucket like in the video that I posted earlier. I layered ice and plant material. I used about 12lbs of ice which was a bit too much because I had to add almost 3 gallons of water to turn it into a thick slurry. The slurry got a gentle 5 minute stir. The 220 bag was removed, drained, and set aside in another bucket. Each bag was strained and any hash was collected. A bit like panning for gold. I found a spray bottle helpful in getting the particles to collect together. I then turned the bag inside out to rinse any uncollected hash back into the bucket. Very little material or no material was in the 190, 160, or 120 bags. The 90 bag gave up a little bit but the bulk came from the 73, 45, and 25 bags.

I thought putting all of the bags in bucket together was a bit cumbersome and did not want to do it with wet bags so I opted for the two bucket method for the 2nd cycle. I added another 6 lbs of ice to the 220 bag in the 2nd bucket and poured the work water over the top and gave it a more vigorous stir for about 10 minutes. Lifted and drained the 220 bag and set it aside in a 3rd bucket. I set up the 190 bag in the 1st bucket. Then poured the water from the 2nd bucket into the 190 bag. Drained the 190 bag. Set up the 160 bag in the 2nd bucket and poured the water in. This continued until I had gone through the bags. I used the same collection and recovery methods as I used on the first cycle. I got about the same amount of hash the second time. I decided to do a third cycle. I used the two bucket method again. I did not add any more ice this time. Gave it another good stir. This time when I drained the 220 bag most of the ice was melted so I was able to wring it out some. I used the 190 bag to remove any of the debris, but I did not use the 160, 120, and 90 bags. From the 73, 45, and 25 bags I got about half of what I got on either of the first two cycles.

The hash was folded in the drying screen and rolled in a towel to dry. All the bags need to be washed and let dry. Like a total dumbass I figured that the garbage disposal could handle the contents of the 220 bag - not. So a clogged sink. Plunging efforts succeeded in rupturing a seal in the disposal. So now a clogged sink with a leak underneath. The wife was pissed. Not quite so pissed now the drains are running and she has a new disposal. lmao

After 3 days of drying most of the hash came free from the screen but had to scrape a bit to get some. Ended up with 2.5g. The wife and I had a sample and the buzz was very stony and the wonderful hash taste that I have not tasted in a long time. Will definitely be doing this again (minus the disposal part). Next time I will probably try doing 3 cycles using the method that I used on the 3rd cycle this time.
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Very nice dude! Thats a great haul :slap:
Will you post some pics of the hash making if you can mate.

Sorry @sanguine was kind of pressed for time and few pictures I took don't show much. I found several good videos that ilistrate the process much better that I could. The one I posted was one of the few that was done in 1 part.
What do you mean by grocery bags? Can you do a step by step explanantion of your curing method? I'm unable to hang my crop for next season for a few reasons so I'm looking for any alternative b
I have found the paper bag dry method works best in my environment. I use large brown paper bags that the local market bags my groceries in. I double bag (a bag within another bag). I put a single layer of buds at the bottom of the bag along with a rH meter. I fold the top of the bag over and secure with a clip or close pin. Put the bag in a cool dark location. It normally takes 10-15 days for my bud to dry enough to go in the jars. Lots of variations to this method.

A short video for clarity.