New Grower DSM First Grow. Kind Soil. LED :) Completed

Wow! Looks great. Your goldilocks is killing it! She grew that much in 5 days!! I can't wait to see how big she gets. And that strawberry nugget looks like she is going to be one big bush! Keep it up!

Yup she really likes the mammoth p and recharge combo!
I'm not familliar with those two things, but the more I read posts that's not a surprise, I'm finding out , lol.

In fairness it might of been 6.5 days, but regardless the goldilocks is def my favorite so far. And those two things are the only additional nutrients Im using. My soil(Kind Soil mixed with some CocoLoco) which is water only apparently has everything needed for a full grow.

I wanted to keep it simple and leave all the variables to a minimum this run. So far I'm really happy with everything. All I really do is water every 4-5 days and try not to stare at them relentlessly.
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I'm not familliar with those two things, but the more I read posts that's not a surprise, I'm finding out , lol.

(nudgez darkstar to indulge deke'z enquiring mind :biggrin: ppp)
(nudgez darkstar to indulge deke'z enquiring mind :biggrin: ppp)

I'll try my best to explain to @Deke but I'm not totally sure about the products. I just go off with what my growers friends have told me

Soooooo. More or less, Recharge and Mammoth P provide your roots with beneficial bacteria that allows them to rapidly grow, provided more nutrient intake for your plants and supposedly creates a better bacteria environment so your buds grow nice and fat.

Im 100% paraphrasing, dont sue me lol.. But from what my growing buddies have told me its completely harmless and noob friendly. Hope this helps
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I'll try my best to explain to @Deke but I'm not totally sure about the products. I just go off with what growers have told me

Soooooo. More or less, Recharge and Mammoth P provide your roots with beneficial bacteria that allows them to rapidly grow, provided more nutrient intake for your plants and supposedly creates a better bacteria environment so your buds grow nice and fat.

Im 100% paraphrasing, dont sue me lol.. But from what my growing buddies have told me its completely harmless and noob friendly. Hope this helps

Thanks. And the harmless and noob friendly part sounds good. I chose the water only soil route to simplify things. But if I'm going to need more it's good to hear about it now and be prepared.
Based on what I've read I'm probably going to need some form of bloom nutes toward the end? I guess I'll figure out what I need later. It seems the what nutrient is best is a fun question to ask!
Thanks. And the harmless and noob friendly part sounds good. I chose the water only soil route to simplify things. But if I'm going to need more it's good to hear about it now and be prepared.
Based on what I've read I'm probably going to need some form of bloom nutes toward the end? I guess I'll figure out what I need later. It seems the what nutrient is best is a fun question to ask!

Best part too is that ***supposedly*** mammoth p is great product to use as a bloom booster. Even says it on the bottle. But you can also use it during veg!
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I chose the water only soil route to simplify things. But if I'm going to need more it's good to hear about it now and be prepared. a fellow "simplifier", take it from me -> ur gonna need more :rofl: ppp
One month update!!!

Well folks if you been closely following you will notice that unfortunately one of the girls did not make it. Strawberry nuggets was lost in a unfortunate accident. :frowny::frowny::frowny:

However, I am happy to report the other two girls are do amazing and have entered the flowering stage :yay:

I gave them their weekly watering last night of Mammoth P and Recharge. One gallon each.

How do they look to yall?


Dark Devil Auto

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Now I am a little worried about one thing, which is the heat inside the tent. I turned on the "stronger" light button which activates the two cobs lights. Now while the lights are on it gets to 84-86*F inside the tent. Will this be to hot for the girls during flowering? while the light are off the heat drops down to about 76*F. Not sure what to do about this.

Will this become a big problem? Should I just turned off the cob lights and let the secondary lights run? Maybe my exhaust system isn't properly set up??? Perhaps im overthinking all of this. As we speak, the tent is 84* and the lights have been running for almost 3 hours. The only other option I can think of is to buy a set of Autocobs to replace my current set up. But to be honest I wanted to wait til after my first run to upgrade. I'm currently using a 1000W led philizon.

Here is a pic of my current set up. Not shown is a big fan that I attached to the top poll

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