New Grower Drew's Indoor Grow - Mephisto BW x 3BOG

Day 70
Lots of pistils starting to turn brown and buds are continuing to fatten and frost up. Definitely another 2 or 3 weeks to go. My temps are rather low, around 70-72F but consistent throughout the day/night which Im assuming may add a few extra days onto it. Humidity is hovering around 50% consistently. The back right plant is becoming an absolute monster and is the biggest by far. The smell is really starting to ramp up, sweet, musky with some lemon skunk behind it.








Had the DSLR out today so took a couple quick photos. Day 73 today.




Rest of the album here:
Day 77
Majority of the pistils have browned up and the buds are really swelling and putting off some stink! Hopefully ready by next Sunday but I haven't really looked at any of the trichs yet.


Day 81
Chopped off a bunch of the easily removable fan leaves to hopefully increase airflow and give a little extra light to the lowers. Trichs are mostly cloudy but no amber yet on the actual flowers. Hard to capture the true colour in this spare room with terrible lighting but the 2 back plants and the middle front are turning a nice pinky/purple colour and the bottom corner ones seem to be frost monsters but they're all really frosty/stinky :)

Before(top) and after(bottom)

Full gallery:
Day 88
Started seeing some amber trichs on all the tops today so decided to take them down. Had a hard time keeping the humidity below 60% as its pretty humid where I live and with more rain in the future I didn't wanna risk any rot/mold. The top half of all the exposed buds are rock hard, so should be a pretty good harvest. Last time I didn't quite fill up those 4 hangers and got about 6 ounces, so I'm hoping for about 8 or so this time. On top of that I saved way more larf for bubble hash, with 3 full freezer bags from the 5 plants. Going to run one of the bags this weekend and see how it does. Humidity is set at 60% in the tent and its about 67F or so in the tent with a fan at the bottom on low pointed at the wall just to circulate a bit.



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Couple extra pics here taken before they were chopped up.





And a video for fun :)

Looking very nice, you got some tasty smoke on your way! I have a couple of these beans in the stash, thanks for making a journal on them!
Looking very nice, you got some tasty smoke on your way! I have a couple of these beans in the stash, thanks for making a journal on them!
Thanks GG! They were pretty easy to grow, Ill update this thread once they've dried and again with a smoke report when cured :)
OK so final update about 1 month after chop. I chopped and hung them as shown above and let them dry for 10-12 days (trimmed over 3 diff days) at 65-70F and 60% humidity. Final dry and trimmed weight was 270 grams or 9.5oz. For a 2x4 tent and 260w light ran at about 60-90% throughout the grow Id consider that pretty good. On top of that I ran 1 of the 3 freezer bags full of larf and came out with about 6 grams of first wash and another 2.5 grams from the second and third washes. So when I run the other 2 bags I should have a total of 24 grams of bubble. I've also still got another bag of dry trim that will probably go towards bubble or try my hand at dry sift, likely adding another 4-5 grams of hash.

For my second indoor grow I considered this a massive success but definitely will not be doing 5 plants in that small of space again. I noticed as I was trimming up I found a few seeds in the buds so I must have had a hermie somewhere during the grow. Not sure which plant it was as I never did see any pollen sacks but the seeds look viable. I've smoked/vaped about 15 grams now and found 2 seeds in that amount, so not too many but Ill definitely find a few more.

On to the smoke/taste/bag appeal report. I'd call it a sweet, earthy, borderline offensive OG funk smell with a hint of lemon. Buds are extremely dense, sticky and covered in trichomes and long orange pistils. From day 1 of jarring the smoke has been smooth and rich feeling but now after 2 full weeks in jars both smoking and vaping is exceptional. Effects are strong but still OK for me mid day, but smoke enough at a time and it will certainly put you out for a bit. Overall, I would definitely look to grow this strain, 3BOG or another 3BOG cross again down the line.

Onto some pictures from today! Pictures here are missing about 40 grams or so due to smoking and giving some testers away :pass:








First wash hash sample

2nd and 3rd washes sample