New Grower Drew's Indoor Grow - Mephisto BW x 3BOG


Cultivators Club
Nov 4, 2019
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Cosmic Queen, 24 Carat, BW x 3BOG
Hey guys this is my first grow journal on here so a little about grow experience. This is my third grow total and second indoor grow with. My first grow was one Cosmic Queen and one 24 Carat that each yielded about 3 ounces. This grow Ill be growing out the freebies I received from that order that are Beary White x 3 Bears OG which I have heard is sometimes referred to as 4 Bears OG :) I put all 5 seeds in a damp paper towel inside of a glasses case, wrapped up in a hand towel and stuck in the side pocket of my grow tent. 36 hours later all 5 had germinated so the grow begins.

Quick info:
2x4 grow tent
260W Alibaba QB 24hrs on
3 gal fabric pots
Pre amended coco peat product, that I added some extra earth worm castings, perlite and gaia green amendments
4" inline fan with carbon filter
Oscillating tower fan (off for the first few weeks) and 6" clip fan pushing air down from the top

All 5 seeds germinated so I made up 5 pots and got them planted today. Temps are quite cool in the spare room the tent is in so I had to add a small ceramic heater (one for reptiles) to bump up the heat a bit. Temps are ranging from about 78-80F in the day and 73-75F at night with humidity in the 70% range in the tent. I've got it set on a thermostat to turn off at 82F if it ever does rise that high. Took a quick picture that I added below. For people wondering what the small pots in the top right, those are Sundews that I just split and repotted. They'll be coming out and moving to a windowsill once the autos start taking over. They do a great job at catching any gnats etc in the tent and do well under similar conditions as cannabis.

That's it for now, I will try and update this weekly or so. Any questions or comments please post away and I'll be happy to respond, thanks!

Looking good so far
Thanks Boognelson!

All 5 are now poking their heads a few inches above the medium so things are progressing well. Will update around the 7 day mark with some photos.
5 for 5 cant beat that either . How far you keeping the light from em?
5 for 5 cant beat that either . How far you keeping the light from em?
Definitely! I have my light mounted a few inches from the top and its a 5' tent. So they're probably about 3.5 - 4' from the light with the light set to about 50% on the dimmer switch. I have a cheap lux meter and its reading about 8-10k lux on the top of the pots.
Day 7 Update

All 5 are growing and progressing well. Just watering with a light seaweed solution and only watered twice so far. Another 7-10 days and I can start pulling them over.

Day 14

All 5 still growing well about 12" across. Bent them over to start LST in order to keep them a bit shorter and encourage more colas. Once the new shoots start growing out Ill pull them in towards the middle and even everything out. I actually intended on planting them a little offset to give me more room for the main growth point but I forgot when I planted them, oh well. Probably update again in a few days when everything looks more normal again.




Subbed for the grow. So far they look real good.:thumbsup:
I have the same freebies from Mephisto so eager to see how your grow turns out.
Subbed for the grow. So far they look real good.:thumbsup:
I have the same freebies from Mephisto so eager to see how your grow turns out.
Thanks John!
Day 21

Took these photos yesterday but didnt have time to post until now. Plants are still growing well, no pistils yet but mid last week I noticed some spots on the older leaves and after investigation noticed what appeared to be tiny aphids on the underside of the leaves. Made up a neem oil spray and haven't seen one since. This spray though seemed to cause what appears to be some light burn on the newest leaves. I'm not sure if its light burn, reaction to the neem or both but it doesnt seem to be progressing. I did wait until the plants were completely dry before cranking the lights back up but I think I'll keep them a bit dimmer for 24 hours after the spray next time. I'm going to give them one more neem spray this week but reduce the strength a bit and hope that doesn't effect them as much.

I also added a humidity controller as I was having trouble keeping the humidity in a reasonable range (too humid) and have that set to turn on at 70% and off again at 65%. I just have it connected to my carbon filter/exhaust and its on for about 5 mins and off again for 5 until the humidity rises again. Temps are maintaining in the 74-78 range. Ill be pulling out the sundews this week and moving them to a windowsill and allowing for a bit more room for these girls.

