Mephisto Genetics Dream Farm Report: Mephisto Edition

It's gonna be a crazy month!! It's December, the holidays, tons of shit to do, plus the emotional stress of it all. [emoji121] AND it's winter! You feel like shit. You want to hibernate, not do a bunch of shit you'll feel guilty if you don't do...

So... it's nice to just have mom to worry about. Even better, she's been here all year and ALSO feels the change of seasons. She's not just stepping off a plane from crazy tropical summer, full of energy and pissed that I'm too tired. [emoji6] [emoji106]

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This made me pissy, realizing reality. Then it made me smile and feel melancholy.
It's gonna be a crazy month!! It's December, the holidays, tons of shit to do, plus the emotional stress of it all. [emoji121] AND it's winter! You feel like shit. You want to hibernate, not do a bunch of shit you'll feel guilty if you don't do...

So... it's nice to just have mom to worry about. Even better, she's been here all year and ALSO feels the change of seasons. She's not just stepping off a plane from crazy tropical summer, full of energy and pissed that I'm too tired. [emoji6] [emoji106]

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Nicely put @witchyhour
Dream Farm Report: Last 48 hours

The babies did AMAZING last night, it got down around 3 I think and the babies stayed at 70 all night, I put more insulation over the lights and that seems to have done the trick. I am going to actually put even a little bit more up there today so I can try and combat the -12 we are supposed to get in a couple days. I will take pictures asap, it is all overcast and still like 13 degrees with no sun out so I have left the babies tucked in and under the lights.
Dream Farm Report: Last 48 Hours

The babies are doing well, I am a little concerned that they are not as big as I would have hoped and definitely are going to go longer than I thought. I am still trying to get the hang of the stupid watering, again another reason why I don't like soil lol. There is no overwatering in DWC : ) I overwatered them, and this is like the 2nd or 3rd time I think. This is also a contributing factor to them being slower and smaller than I would like at day 33. But growing is a constant learning process and I will get it nailed down. I am going to take some pictures here in a bit, this is the first day in 2 days that hasn't been overcast and snowy. The temps got down to -4 I think last night and the babies were a happy 80-68 degrees over the course of the 16 or so hours they were covered and insulated. I am doing my best to try and control all the variables I can but I really am struggling with the water thing. It has been so long since I watered any kind of plant minus the lawn I forgot how delicate a process that is and how easily it can be messed up. I think I may look into @Ozone69 blumat's cause he grows great ganj lol. Sorry for the lack of updating, mother I know you will read this so I am sorry for not updating the last couple of days. Everyone say hiiigh to my Mom, she reads the dream farm report daily to monitor the progress of our lifes work. It works out well lol I will have the pics up shortly