Mephisto Genetics Dream Farm Report: Mephisto Edition

Picture Update for today, the one picture is of my handicapped little double grape, but since it is a DG I am just letting her grow, I love my babies all the same.View attachment 660641 View attachment 660642 View attachment 660643 View attachment 660644 View attachment 660645 View attachment 660648 View attachment 660651 View attachment 660655
This year's little stunted twisted sister mutant in my greenhouse, turned in some amazing smoke, not much, but way worth the trouble, if I got the room and the time, no plant left behind.
Your gonna have some uncontrollable bush here soon man wow!!

Are you hand watering @derek420colorado ?

Yes I soon hope to have a big ole room full of bush!

And yes I am handwatering, and will be for the duration sigggggh lol . It gives me something to do though
It's been a long day at the Dream Farm. I got all the new seedlings into their forever homes, I am not waiting around with them in the closet this time. The little ones are just taking too long to catch up. The ones that have been out there the longest are all doing really good. But the smaller ones are definitely sensitive to the cold and shade lol. I tried to let them get about 4 hours of shade and it dropped it down into the 50's and the littlest ones looked sad again. So I have further reinforced the area with more foam so it should stay at a decent temp tonight. It is only supposed to get down to like 19 or so tonight so I should be good. I have been good at night time the last few nights with it down to 4 and 5, so I am not that worried I just want them to stay above 70 if possible, that is the goal for tonight. Oh and with the lights raised maybe 6 inches to accomidate the new plants
Temps stayed right where I wanted them to at 70 degrees steady. They DEFNITELY don't like the cold and shade lol they all looked sad after only 4 hours in the shade and like 55 degrees. Now they did all bounce right back and look super happy but I don't like when my babies are sad, even if for just a couple of hours. I did this yesterday so I could give my generator a break and not run it full time, during the day I was only running my exhaust fan, so I just hooked that up to my solar power and turned the generator off for 8 hours and save on propane. But the ladies did not really like all that shade, so I am going to wait until 2 not 4 to turn on the generator and lights. I Will take pictures here in a little while as usual when the big sky lights come on.
hahahaha, so derek, I look to the left and under my avatar are your badges and I get to pretend I grew a 1 pounder, what a fuckinghoot, cheers grobro

Thanks bud, yeah the 1lb badge is something I am super proud of for sure. Next up is the 2lb badge lol. I promise you if you want a 1lb plant all you need is a bucket, pump, light, and nutes you will come to the dark side lol. Oh and we are totally going to battle for the best sunrise/sunset pics for festivus lol
Oh shit hahahahaha, I didn't take any pictures today, that's ok they have grown a lot today. They liked the steady temps and they are happy with their water levels, so in the morning I will snap some pics. They are all starting to stink lol, the Double Grapes keep giving me fleeting whiffs of smelly dank pot. I cleaned the whole greenhouse today and got it al nice and tidy. That has been kind of bugging me lol so I finally cleaned up the place. But yeah life is great at the dream farm and it is only getting down to 30 tonight so I don't have to worry about nothin. this will be the first night in 19 days that I have been able to get a full nights sleep all the way through without waking up 3 or 4 times to check my temps. I do have a little assistance, I did manage to get a couple kolonapin and drank a couple beers with my bro who is in town so a niiiiiiiiiiiice restful sleep is in my future. I also got 2 lbs of bad ASS trim to make dabs with tomorrow so that is awesome. I am happy about having a couple ounces of daaaaaaaaaaaaaabs. Its good cause I was running low. Full update to come in the mornin