Mephisto Genetics Dream Farm Report: Mephisto Edition

wooooooah!! WICKED room man how did i miss this lol. I need to spend more time on afn. Im so jealus lol, i think my kids have to move down the basement for a new room to be built now :D

Did you ever grow any outdoor swiss/nordic early photoperiods/semi autos up there in the mountains of Colorado?

Thanks man, Nah I have never really grown outdoors period lol. This will be the first time I am using the sun since I was a young teenager tryin to grow weed behind the house in the woods
Dream Farm Report: The last 24 hours Pics are from this morning so 48 hours on the pics

The babies had another good night with steady temps at 81 all night and between 700-1200 ppms cO2. I have been kind of perplexed by the downwards curling of the leaves. I thought it was over watering then I thought it was under watering but now I don't think its either. I think it may have to do with the cO2 and the plants really not being big enough to handle the cO2. Maybe @Waira could chime in cause other than the cO2 I cant understand why they are doing that. But on a good note they are still growing like crazy! That is also what makes me think that it is not a water issue, generally they will show noticeably slowed growth and these little babies are still growing like I have never seen soil plants grow before. They are literally putting out the next set of leaves as soon as the last set has opened up enough in the middle for a new set, so basically I am seeing two sets of leaves grow at a time : ) So without further ado here is 3 of the babies that have been in the Oasis the longest. Oh and the self topped Sour Hound that just looks tooooo crazy not to take pictures of. Also they look yellow in these pictures because of the LEC and HPS lights that are on, I will get some natural light pics later on or tomorrow, but they are green and healthy
Sooooooooooo I am dumb, hahahahaha. I figured out what was causing the leaf curling, it was definitely the cO2. I was going through the process of elimination and that was just about the last thing it could be. SO I wanted to just try and see what the temps would be like without the heater running, low and behold because I now insulate it each night the lights are providing more than enough heat without the extra cO2. That is great news because now I feel confident that I can brave the coldest of cold with this setup and will start putting the rest of the babies in their forever homes tomorrow. Assuming I don't feel like death still. I am sick and it sucks, but the work still has to get done lol. I will update in the morning with pics
I have had that leaf curl you sure it did not get to cold?

Positive, the temps have not gone below 70 in 2 days or more. It was def the cO2, I thought it was a watering issue but nope sure enough as they had about 12 hours of no extra cO2 they started to perk up and not curl so bad. Most of them are starting to "pray" again and all should be by in the morning
Dream Farm Report: The last 24 hours With pictures

So the temps stayed at an even 77 last night with no heater! So no cO2 and most of the babies have recovered and back to looking super happy. The Skywalkers were closest to the heater so a couple of them are still curling downward but are definitely better than yesterday, so they are going in the right direction. I think after their sun shower for the day they will be good to go. The growth is still fast and vigorous. The double grape that has been outside the longest is literally splitting its skin open on the stem because it is growing so fast. I remember @Eyeoftheworld saying that she could see bark starting to form on a couple of her @mephisto beans in just a couple weeks, well sure as shit I see bark starting to form on the biggest DG. Well I know what you all came for lol, not my ramblings but pictures. So here ya go