Mephisto Genetics Dream Farm Report: Mephisto Edition

Sooooooooooo I am dumb, hahahahaha. I figured out what was causing the leaf curling, it was definitely the cO2. I was going through the process of elimination and that was just about the last thing it could be. SO I wanted to just try and see what the temps would be like without the heater running, low and behold because I now insulate it each night the lights are providing more than enough heat without the extra cO2. That is great news because now I feel confident that I can brave the coldest of cold with this setup and will start putting the rest of the babies in their forever homes tomorrow. Assuming I don't feel like death still. I am sick and it sucks, but the work still has to get done lol. I will update in the morning with pics
nice chubby leaves
Dream Farm Report: The last 24 hours With Pictures

Things went great last night, it got down to +4 and the babies stayed at a nice warm 70 degrees : ) So that makes me happy! The babies are almost all recovered from the cO2 debacle lol. They seem to LOVE the LEC's I am super impressed with them so far. I am serious I think the 630's are brighter than the 1150 DE HPS. The biggest double grape looks like she showed some sexy parts yesterday, I will have to look again at the end of the day but I am pretty sure she threw out her first pistol. I got all of the ones I started to germ into their root riot cubes, so in a couple days we will have some more babies to add to their forever homes. But here is the pictures for the day!
Dream Farm Report: The last 24 hours With Pictures

Things went great last night, it got down to +4 and the babies stayed at a nice warm 70 degrees : ) So that makes me happy! The babies are almost all recovered from the cO2 debacle lol. They seem to LOVE the LEC's I am super impressed with them so far. I am serious I think the 630's are brighter than the 1150 DE HPS. The biggest double grape looks like she showed some sexy parts yesterday, I will have to look again at the end of the day but I am pretty sure she threw out her first pistol. I got all of the ones I started to germ into their root riot cubes, so in a couple days we will have some more babies to add to their forever homes. But here is the pictures for the day!
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they are lookng better today brotha!:pass:
they are lookng better today brotha!:pass:

Yeah for sure, they are all happy and healthy now that I stopped blasting them with cO2 lol they need to be a littttle bit bigger so they can handle the extra cO2. But yeah they all look good now, well except one skywalker that was the most affected by the cO2.
Dream Farm Report: Last 24 Hours

So I watered yesterday because they looked like they needed a drink, when I went to bed I noticed that they still looked like they hadn't really perked up, in fact my biggest SODK looked like it was a little more sad than when before I watered, so I was like wtf are they Overwatered??? So I just went to bed and figured I would check this morning. Well low and behold all of the babies are now perky and happy, I think I have stunted them though by not putting them out in the dream farm from the get go, and let them get a little too dry. But I think I have gotten the hang of things again with this whole dirt growin thing. I will take some pictures here in a little bit when the big light comes on.