Mephisto Genetics Dream Farm Report: Mephisto Edition

Thanks bud, yeah the 1lb badge is something I am super proud of for sure. Next up is the 2lb badge lol. I promise you if you want a 1lb plant all you need is a bucket, pump, light, and nutes you will come to the dark side lol. Oh and we are totally going to battle for the best sunrise/sunset pics for festivus lol
clash of the titans, lol
Dream Farm Report: The last 24 hours, and 48 for the pics

Everyone is now on track to where I think they are suuuuuuper happy, not a droopy leaf in the bunch. All of them loved the clean new greenhouse and the temps stayed at 80 all night, it only got down to 27 last night so that was easy. It is all overcast today so I left it covered and the lights on, there is not really a lot of sun so I am getting more lumens from my lights. All but one of the newest babies have popped there heads up, so this is day 1 for the 9 that made it above ground and there is still one Moby Dick that has yet to come up. I think I may do a little redesign and wrap the tarp around to cut off even more of the space to retain yet more heat. I wanna be able to keep it at 75 with the lights all the way up and it cold as hell outside lol. But here is what everyone came for, the pictures lol
wow. big dump! Work smart Powerful14 and cheers

I just checked the 10 day forecast and the lowest nighttime low temp is 9 and that is only one night the rest is in the teens. So That puts me at the end of the month, I will only have about a month left or so before I start to harvest some stuff. I am on day 21 right now so add 10 days to that and I am a month out. I PROMISE I can keep my babies warm for 4 weeks, I don't care if I have to sleep with them. For real I am all in now!