Mephisto Genetics Dream Farm Report: Mephisto Edition V 2.0

The babies all did great last night, welllll except for my DWC baby, I am dumb and tried somethin I did before that worked which was putting an air line directly into the rockwool cube while we are tryin to get roots to the rez. Wellllllll I didn't think about the fact that I have about 10 times more air going into these sites than last time. So long story short I dried the rockwool cube all the way out and it died hahahaha. But honestly that is OK because I really want to do the ManBearAlienPIg in both sites, I mean it is Ripley's OG and friggin 3 Bears OG so its like I am getting the best of both worlds a big plant that is super frosty and stinky. So other than that everything is going great at the dream farm. The babies are loving the cO2 at night and I messed with my lights a little and now they are getting alllllll the blue light from the CMH's and not just the red from the HPS' I will take some pictures after while
Some pictures
The last one is my first attempt at brewin tea haha.
The babies all did great last night, welllll except for my DWC baby, I am dumb and tried somethin I did before that worked which was putting an air line directly into the rockwool cube while we are tryin to get roots to the rez. Wellllllll I didn't think about the fact that I have about 10 times more air going into these sites than last time. So long story short I dried the rockwool cube all the way out and it died hahahaha. But honestly that is OK because I really want to do the ManBearAlienPIg in both sites, I mean it is Ripley's OG and friggin 3 Bears OG so its like I am getting the best of both worlds a big plant that is super frosty and stinky. So other than that everything is going great at the dream farm. The babies are loving the cO2 at night and I messed with my lights a little and now they are getting alllllll the blue light from the CMH's and not just the red from the HPS' I will take some pictures after while
man, you got so much go'in on the there, a little confusion got to be expected
today I'm Colorado Dreaming!View attachment 744852

its 75 and beautiful today here lol.

I just planted 19 of the 21 seeds I started yesterday. I am starting the MBAP that I am doing in my DWC in the rockwool cube inside in the closet under the CFL until some roots start poppin out.
Above are some pictures from this morning, everyone is looking happy and healthy this morning. They are loving the combo of the sunlight during the day and the HID and cO2 at night. Now that I have got the watering down they are all showing very good growth now and I am a happy ganja farmer.