Mephisto Genetics Dream Farm Report: Mephisto Edition V 2.0

Very impressive I’m a disabled man with cancer. So my get up and go got up and went !!! I wanna grow autos I have a 8x5 space I made how many autos for this much room
Well first of all you sir are ahead of the game. You actually took the time to make a username and password and follow the thread then comment. For that sir I am greatly appreciative

Also I am sorry to hear about your medical issues, let’s get you some top quality meds ASAP!!!

Now lol as far as your question. Aprox 10-20 depending on your medium that you want to use

When you say you have a 8x5’ set up what exactly does that mean? I guess I should ask how far along are you In the process
Is it indoors or outdoors, do you have lights, is it soil or Hydro? Basically can you give me all the details of your grow(its ok even if you are just in the very beginning steps I will Wall ya through it)so I know what we’re working with