I just got my 420 meph seeds in the mail annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd I GOT MANBEARALIENPIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is going to be the second strain to go in my other DWC site. I also dropped the rest of my other 4 strains, so I just dropped 22 seeds whooooo hoooooo, let the germination fairy be with me. So this should actually be the start of my perpetual cycled. These will be approx. 2 weeks behind the ones in the greenhouse now. The babies are all lovin the cO2 and nice temps. It is currently 89 in the GH but none of the girls are showing any signs of heat stress so that is good.
They all got a good watering this morning. One thing I am really having to keep a handle on is underwatering them at first. I seem to be losing a few days to slow growth due to under watering. Its crazy because the pots all still seem heavy but the girls are just pale and small after the first few days of being above ground. I am going to be much more diligent this time. But hey these are the things I am having to re learn by touch and feel vs reading and learning. Soil is just so much different than hydro with the whole water uptake thing.
I also extended my air pump so that now it is outside in the little shed, it was getting the water too hot still. I also have been adding ice, and since I insulated it, it keeps the water at between 65-70 all day with one gallon ziplock bag of frozen water half full. It is also a good way too refill the water. One thing I have noticed is that the water evaps super quick out of the dwc sites so I am going to have to keep a very close eye on the water level. I will take a couple of pictures here in a little while.
I have not seen as many little flying critters so that is good, I think they don't like the increased cO2 levels in the GH lol Last night the temps were about 80-85(which for those that do not know plants can tolerate, and actually like, higher temps with cO2 enrichment so the slightly increased temps are on purpose) with 900-950 ppms. The generator did go out for a little bit because while they brought me my tank it did not have any propane in it, so the generator was off for maybe and hour or two and the ppms got up to 1500 but the lights were off so it didn't do any good haha. But it did keep the plants warm, they only got down to 60. Well off to do more work