Mephisto Genetics Dream Farm Report: Mephisto Edition V 2.0

Ok there they should be good now
Grrrrr, well it rained a bunch yesterday and snowed like 2 inches last night. Also a couple of the plants looked droopy last night and it has been 3 days or so since I watered so I watered again. Too much grrrrrrr, so now they are all droopy even more. So I don't know what was causing the droop in the first place. I did up the light so that is probably what did it, they were too little to handle the hps' turned all the way up
Grrrrr, well it rained a bunch yesterday and snowed like 2 inches last night. Also a couple of the plants looked droopy last night and it has been 3 days or so since I watered so I watered again. Too much grrrrrrr, so now they are all droopy even more. So I don't know what was causing the droop in the first place. I did up the light so that is probably what did it, they were too little to handle the hps' turned all the way up

Yeah man I just dealt with the same issue, moved up my 600w hps a few inches since one girl was stretching too much. The plants were drooping the next day and the soil was def still moist, but not overwatered. I moved the light back down and now they are happy again. Could also have had the droops from low humidity, mine were drooping with around 20% humidity in my room (I live in the AZ desert, always dry) and a few hours before lights out the plants would start to droop. After the night period the humidity would raise and plants were praying to the lights again.