Mephisto Genetics Dream Farm Report: Mephisto Edition V 2.0

Mine seemed a little droopy the last couple days as well. Been more humid than usual all around the state with the weather rollin' through...maybe something along that line? *shrug* :smoking:

Yeah man I just dealt with the same issue, moved up my 600w hps a few inches since one girl was stretching too much. The plants were drooping the next day and the soil was def still moist, but not overwatered. I moved the light back down and now they are happy again. Could also have had the droops from low humidity, mine were drooping with around 20% humidity in my room (I live in the AZ desert, always dry) and a few hours before lights out the plants would start to droop. After the night period the humidity would raise and plants were praying to the lights again.

Yeah its crazy, as soon as the sun hit them they all started to perk right up. There is just no substitute for the god given sun that is a fact. I don't know if it was the increase in HPS or too much water or too high humidity, either way they all seem happy again and I will get some pictures up here in a bit. It is still kinda foggy and all soggy so I am waiting till it dries out a little more lol
Today's pictures
Pictures from today. They are getting over the over watering and lookin good. I am hoping that the big girl Barb gains a few more inches in height before she starts to really bud I know that they don't get all that big anyway but I am hoping to average 50 grams a plant minimum. Since she didn't get the best start i know she probably isn't going to reach her full potential. But I can hope haha
The Dream Farm is looking great nice a green you are going to have hands full

Man I sure am tryin that is a fact haha. I am really really hopin that my sour hound girl gets a little bigger before she goes into full on flower, if I can get another 5 days or a week before she goes all the way flower mode I think I will be happy. have you grown any Sour Hound @Fairlynew
i ahev done sour crack sour blue hisendhound but I do not believe I have popped any sour hound yet my man.

I know @eyesonfire has but he wont reply back to me and tell me how mine is stacking up. Of course with you two it is like watching porn and thinking I have a small wang syndrome goin on lmao. Yall both grow monsters in little pots and I am jealous, I need to get with the both of you and come up with the best water only mix on the planet!