Mephisto Genetics Dream Farm Report: Mephisto Edition V 2.0

That's amazing Derek. Are you using the front wall for light during the day and a generator at night for the lec's? Not many people understand the type of work invested into this and throughout the grow. Hats off to you bro. I'm excited for this

Oh and to answer your question yes that is exactly what I am doing, and I also have the two 1100 watt SolisTek DE HPS' in there as well. So its 2200 watts of DE HPS, 1360 of LEC and the 8k ft elevation Colorado sunshine during the day. Now that I am getting back used to watering plants(as I have grown almost exclusively in DWC for the last decade) they are starting to do better, I was severely underwatering them and there is about 4 or 5 plants that I stunted the crap out of due to me not having the watering touch per se any more. But I intend to get some blumats at the end of the first cycle for sure! Because the thing is, with the soil plants I essentially have an almost fulled automated system if I install some blumats. The only thing that would need to be done each day is turn the generator on and off twice a day(and that will be remedied once I get the greenhouse on grid power) because I run 24/0 and supersoil water only medium I would only have to fill a reservoir once a week(depending on how big I go lol, I would probably be dumb and get a 250 gallon res hahaha) talk about set it and forget it. I am still ocd about my plants so its not like I wouldn't have to work but it would be less things to screw up. But this is what I have for now and I am doin everything in my power to rock it out : )
Sounds like a plan. I'd stick with some 4000k ones for veg. What's nice is they draw .48amps which wouldn't take much from the gene. Start slow and slowely lose the hps. It wouldnt be worth it considering the situation to swap out the lec's with cobs yet. When you do plan on doing cobs it would be best to do larger frames for that big space. Few small autocobs around for supplemental like 6500k and extra side lighting.
Sounds like a plan. I'd stick with some 4000k ones for veg. What's nice is they draw .48amps which wouldn't take much from the gene. Start slow and slowely lose the hps. It wouldnt be worth it considering the situation to swap out the lec's with cobs yet. When you do plan on doing cobs it would be best to do larger frames for that big space. Few small autocobs around for supplemental like 6500k and extra side lighting.

Yep that is the plan, have them go from bluest to redest with the spectrum basically. I am going to have to get a few cycles in before I can fully upgrade like I want to, but like you said I am going to slowly build up to a full-ish conversion. I really think the addition of a couple cobs to the "veg" area if you will, and the progression towards the increased lumens and increased red spectrum will be a good combo for now. I know that people are wanting to move away from HPS, but I think I will always have them. Reason is, I need the heat at night and if I were to totally loose the HPS I would loose the heat as well and it gets COLD here lol. Even in the summer the nights are in the 50's and as soon as I can get this damn cO2 dialed in I will definitely need the heat to keep it above 85 at night. While my setup is crazy cool and optimizing virtually every growth variable, however it does create challenges that most folks do not have to deal with. Just an example I have almost 4000 watts of light beaming out at night, so literally every moth, bug and flying critter is attracted to my plants. Being double insulated with 1 inch thick mylar backed Styrofoam makes it retain heat, realllllly well even in the day. So trying to control the temps has been the biggest hurdle, those are just a couple of things I can think of that no one else I know has to haha. One thing I do know though is that once I get over all the hurdles, I should have a great start on beginning to establish the commercial viability of autoflowering cannabis. That is after all the end goal of the dream farm.
I wish we lived closer man I'd help you out with all those tricky situations. I know all to well what your dealing with as we did this sort of thing in the past. Now it's just a smaller version of it. I just watched a guy fail miserably at his attempt to grow autos on a commercial scale too. His only problem was he grew 20 plants before so he knew it all.
I wish we lived closer man I'd help you out with all those tricky situations. I know all to well what your dealing with as we did this sort of thing in the past. Now it's just a smaller version of it. I just watched a guy fail miserably at his attempt to grow autos on a commercial scale too. His only problem was he grew 20 plants before so he knew it all.

For sure, that is most folks problem lol. I never stop learning that is for sure, I don't care the source haha. I have been growin for over a decade and have a degree and I still learn somethin damn near every day. I think I have gotten almost all the kinks out now that I have been at it for almost 9 months and killing 3 crops lol. But honestly I knew there was going to be issues with a project of this magnitude and that is half the fun of doin it, overcoming the challenges. I tell you what though I could use help cleaning and trimming here in a month or so, honestly though I wish you lived closer so you could come check it out and we could get a lighting plan in place. Maybe towards the end of the year I could fly ya out or somethin and you could bring a basket of autocobs lol
Its my air pump that is the issue, there is 240 or so constant watts that can never go off, that takes a lot of battery power. Folks just don't realize how much power we use to do this here hobby of our lol. Heck even one of @BigSm0's autocobs is 55 watts, to run just 1 of those I would need a whole dedicated panel and battery. With solar you basically have to have double the battery amp hours to be able to run what you want. That is why I run most everything off of my generator.
the only way alt energy works for me is to be super conservative with energy, super efficient appliances and lighting(led), if it wasn't for the almost 7mos of sunshine I'd be a hurting unit. I can run 1 autocob in the window with all that spring reflectance smoke'n the panels, but it's the sun alone that has to grow my stash in the greenhouse. and some summers it rains a lot. Farming, just no control of nature.